October 14, 2024

Open borders: how's that working out for ya?

Over the past 3.9 years of the harris/biden rule, the Dem regime has allowed roughly 11 million totally unvetted illegals to walk into the U.S. across our totally open southern border.  In many cases the so-called "refugees" have never even been positively identified--hence the huge piles of passports and identity papers thrown away at the border.

What if just a tiny fraction of those 11 million invaders are "sleepers"--military age males awaiting orders"?

Just for fun let's say the number is one-half of one percent.  That's 55,000 people.

Democrat: "Wait, dat un-possible! Dat jus' silly!"

Ah.  And you know that because...? Did the harris regime vet em all?  Of course not.  Hardly any.  So for you Democrats to bleat "dis not possible!" is simply wishful thinking.

You have no idea, and neither does the regime.  You're just guessing and hoping.

Democrats: "Dat ridiculous!  Deez pipo all beez nice refugees!"

I don't doubt that most are nice, even if they're not actually refugees but merely people who know how to grab a gift when they see it.  

And every single week they rape and/or murder a few more innocent American women and girls.  Even more Americans die because a drunk illegal crashes into their car.

Democrats: "Yew cain't blame duh po' 'refugees' fo' aksidents, raaacist!  Ebry day 'Merikans kill uddah Mericans in car wrecks, but it not intentional, so shut up, raaacist!"

Except...American kids learn to drive--after many hours of careful instruction--at 16 or so.  Lots of illegals don't, but stupid Democrat rulerz give 'em drivers licences anyway--sometimes without makin' em pass a proficiency test, let alone a test for English proficiency.

Democrat: "Requiring everyone to be proficient in English to legally drive is raaacist!"

Kinda' guessed you'd bleat that, Dem shill.

And if you think the current death toll is the end of it you're too dumb to breathe.

I'll readily admit that I'm leery of all the illegals, not remotely because they're foreigners, but because they broke our laws to illegally enter the U.S.

Suppose you heard a noise one night, and came downstairs to find a man of any race, standing in your living room with a big cloth bag.  Your front door is open, the frame broken.  When you start calling the cops the guy says "Why you do dat, deplorable?  I wudn't gonna steal nuffin.  I wuz jus' lookin' fo' my lost dog."

The rulerz of the Democrat party bleat that you should smile and say fine, I'll help you look.  But hopefully you're smart enough to realize that if the guy broke into your home he's up to no good, no matter what bullshit he throws out as excuses.
Democrat rulerz, seeing that more Americans aren't buying their bullshit, have a fallback: "Deez nice Dem voters did NOT enter the U.S. illegally.  Our wunnerful prezzy is using U.S. laws that say if a person from another country "feels threatened," as gays and trannies clearly do, they can enter the U.S. by promising to appear for an "immigration hearing" in a few years.  

But until that hearing they can go anywhere in the U.S. that they like.  The regime doen't track 'em or require 'em to check in every month cuz the fundamental assumption made by the regime is that none of 'em are involved in, say, drugs.

And surely you've heard that those faaaabulous, grifting NGO's have briefed all arrivals *before they get to the border* that if they want to be admitted all they have to do is claim they felt threatened in their home country.  Bingo.

We'll be feeling the effects of the Dem regime's open-borders policy for the next 50 years, minimum.

Thanks, Democrats.


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