October 13, 2024

Dismembered body found in freezer in Mesa, Colorado. And no journalist seems a bit curious

Wanna see how the Mainstream Media bury a story they don't want you to know about?

Democrat: "Dat jus' crazytalk!  Conspiracy tales!  See, if dey tol' ya duh story, it beez obvious dey weren't tryin' t' hide nuttin'!  Geez, stupid deplorable!"

Thanks for playing, dumbshit.

No, if the Media says *nothing* about an obvious atrocity--a ghastly crime, like dismembering a 16-year-old daughter--people realize the Media is complicit...
... which makes people not believe the Media
... which reduces the number of people the elites can control by using their media lackeys.  Hmmm...

In this case, in Mesa Colorado, a family moved out of a home, leaving behind lots of junk, including a freezer.  The new owners offered the freezer to anyone who wanted it.  Someone did, and was cleaning it out to take it.

And in doing so they found a severed head and arms.

That happened way back on January 12th of 2024.  Never heard about it, eh?  Hmmm...

See, dat's cuz stuff like dis happen all duh time now.  No one even bats an eye, eh?

Just kidding: even with the huge spike in ghastly murders by gangs of illegal invaders, a severed head should make the news--unless someone doesn't want it to.

Now: one can understand why the sheriff would be tight-lipped, lest some hotshot defense attorney accuse him of doing something to get the case thrown out.  But with the property address known, NBC's local stringers could easily look up the property records, find the name of the owners and determine whether they were the people living in the home.

And if the owners were conservatives or religious, think NBC would have done exactly that?  Of course.

But here the local newzies didn't do...anything.  "Severed head and arms?  Nah, nuffin' odd about dat.  Happens every day.  No reason to look into it, try to give our few viewers a heads-up, eh?  

Wait, too soon?  "Severed head," see?  It's a joke, but you probably have to be a media elite to get it.

SOoo...turns out the body was a 16-year-old girl named Amanda Leariel Overstreet.  She was last seen in April of 2005 *but no one ever reported her missing.*  Obviously that's a big damn red flag, but no "reporter" seems to be asking any questions.  Why is that?

"Say, didn't we have a daughter here?  Haven't seen her in a few days.  Wonder whut happen to her?  Eh, if we had one she'll probably turn up in a few days, eh?"

But the sheriff does give us one clue: "The death is being investigated as a possible homicide."

Now that there is some first-class detective work. "How kin yew be shure, dere, sheriff?  I mean okay, it's prolly not suicide, but coulda been a aksident, right?"

See, like the FBI "trying to authenticate Hunty biden's abandoned laptop," we hazta take our time here an' be reeeel careful not to jump to conclusions, right?

Say, sheriff, have ya put out one o' those neat "be on the lookout fer" bulletins on the pipo who moved out?

Here's another clue: the "family" had previously lived in Harris county, Texas.  For those unfamiliar, Harris county is Houston.  It's the most populous county in Texas, and the third largest population in the whole U.S.  It's absolutely packed with "immigrants."

And here's one more clue: the woman who sold the home was Amanda's mother.

It took the state of colorado NINE MONTHS to find that the dismembered body was the daughter of the homeowner?  Wow, must be a LOT of backlogged DNA cases in that state, eh?

One would expect some "reporter" to have asked the sheriff, "Do ya know where the mother is?  Has anyone bothered trying to question her?"  Of course we don't wanna hurt anyone's feewings or jump to any conclusions, but you'd think some corrupt, dipshit "journalist" might have at least *asked* some of these questions, right?

Are they all just stupid beyond belief?  Or is there a reason no one seems to be the least bit exercised about a dismembered 16-year-old girl who vanshed 19 years ago but was never reported missing.  Wow.




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