September 18, 2024

With 49 days before the election, CNN is ramping up the propaganda and lies

Five days ago (September 12) the lying bastards at CNN posted the following headline:

The ‘sleeper case’ trying to stop Trump and the RNC from intimidating voters and poll workers
That implies that Trump and the RNC either *have been "intimidating voters and poll workers" or plan to do so.  Wow, great headline to get pipo to vote Democrat, eh?

The lawsuit is "Michigan Welfare Rights Organization v. Trump."  But CNN repeatedly says plaintiffs are "the voters," implying all voters. 

A four-year-old lawsuit by Black voters to convince a court to prevent former president Donald Trump and the Republican Party from potentially intimidating voters and poll workers is quietly coming back to life as the 2024 election approaches.
    First brought days after the 2020 election, the lawsuit has moved slowly through the federal courts in Washington, DC, as Trump’s claims of presidential immunity from civil lawsuits were being litigated.  By coincidence it has landed before US District Judge Tanya Chutkan, the judge handling the federal election subversion charges against Trump.

Total coincidence, citizen.

The case could have enormous implications for this election and future ones: The voters are asking the judge to order Trump, his campaign and the RNC to get the court's approval before “engaging in any activities related to recounts, certifications, or similar post-election activities,” and to bar the defendants from intimidating voters, poll workers and other election officials.

"The voters are asking..." makes it sound as if all voters are part of this lawsuit, which makes it sound more legitimate.  Of course it's just "black voters"--and as you'll see in a moment, the REAL purpose is to bar Republicans from challenging any vote totals that appear clearly fraudulent.

Victory for the plaintiffs could deter intimidation and harassment of election workers and voters from Republicans as Trump and his allies signal that they will again try to undermine the results of the election.

OOoohh, CNN claims Trump will "again try to undermine the results of the election."

CNN's using "again" clearly, unequivocally implies this happened before.  You need to know that CNN is defining "undermining" as ANY challenge claiming a claimed vote result is fraudulent.  Not the same thing at all, eh?

The type of supervision sought by the voters is not new for the Republican party.

Again CNN uses "the voters" instead of "the black voters" or "plaintiffs."  That's not an accident, but is designed to make readers think the lawsuit is non-partisan, thus more legitimate instead of a cunning use of lawfare to make vote fraud even easier.

The GOP had previously been under a court-ordered consent decree from the early 1980s until 2017 that barred it from engaging in practices that could intimidate or discriminate against Black voters.
   An attorney for the Democratic party said courts play a critical role in preventing the type of intimidation that the Black voters are alleging occurred during the 2020 election.

Ahh, sounds like we may finally see a description of how the Democrats claim Repubs intimidated black voters in 2020, eh?  I can't wait.  And here we go:

At the heart of the lawsuit are claims by Black voters in Michigan that in 2020 the defendants unlawfully disenfranchised them by “disrupting vote counting efforts, lodging groundless challenges during recounts, and attempting to block certification of election results through intimidation and coercion of election officials.”

This is the heart of the case: Democrats claiming the GOP challenged the results of the vote counting.  The Dem attorneys knew claiming just "lodging challenges" would make the lawfare too obvious, so they inserted "groundless."  But were there reasonable grounds for challenging vote totals that seemed clearly fraudulent?

If the Dems win this case (and with Tanya Chutkan as the judge that's a foregone conclusion) it will be illegal to challenge the results of any election as fraudulent no matter how compelling the evidence.

The Democrat lawsuit claims the defendants violated the "Voting Rights Act of 1965" and the "Ku Klux Klan Act," a Reconstruction-era law passed to combat violence by the White supremacist group.

Of course CNN's Democrat propagandist would never mention that the KKK was formed by Democrats.

Attorneys for Trump and the RNC have asked to dismiss the case, saying any conduct at issue constitutes protected political speech.

Again, a ruling for the Democrats in this case would make it illegal to challenge vote fraud--which is the entire point of the lawsuit.  Everything else is just camouflage. 

Judge Tanya Chutkan was randomly assigned the pivotal ["crucial"] case last October, receiving it months after she started overseeing the criminal case brought by special counsel Jack Smith against Trump.

Wow, what a total coincidence that this crucial case ended up being assigned to the same judge who ruled against Trump in every motion in Jack Smith's bogus case against the former president, eh?  Also coincidence that Chutkan is black and was appointed by Obozo.

Now, almost a year later, the judge stressed the need to have “some forward motion” in the civil matter as the nation barreled toward the presidential election.
   The lawsuit is asking both for [a court order barring any challenges to claimed vote totals without the approval of the same court] as well as monetary damages for the alleged harms that took place around the 2020 election.

"Monetary damages," y'say.

But recently the plaintiffs asked to drop their demand for damages to avoid a protracted fight over whether Trump can avoid liability by arguing that his actions during the last election are shielded by presidential immunity.
   In a filing Tuesday, lawyers for the Black voters claimed avoiding litigation over the question of immunity would allow the case to “proceed expeditiously … particularly in light of the upcoming November election.”

Translation: "We want a court order in place barring any challenges to claimed vote totals before the election!"

The now-expired consent decree the RNC had been under for nearly four decades was between Republicans and the Democratic National Committee, which had sued the GOP over alleged intimidation of voters in majority Black areas of New Jersey during the 1981 election.

The case that triggered the consent decree is from 1981, y'say.  And "expired"?  But is included by CNN's propagandist to show a 43-year-old claim of alleged GOP intimidation of black voters.  But in 2016 armed Black Panthers were intimidating would-be white voters from entering polling precincts in one of the Dem-ruled shithole states.  No consent decree there, eh?  

Wow, almost like two sets of laws, citizen. 

CNN claims that in 2020 "election workers" and officials were targeted "by Trump’s allies as he pushed lies about the legitimacy of the election and its results."  "Lies"?   That's a brazen assertion, since no judge ever allowed ANY of the claims of fraud to be heard in open court.  No case ever made it to court.  Instead all were dismissed, usually due to judges ruling that the plaintiffs "lacked standing" to sue.   

The lawsuit claims “In this fraught and dangerous climate, thirty percent of officials know of one or more election workers who already have left their jobs because of fear for their safety, increased threats, or intimidation.”  Yet there's not a single recitation of actual threats or intimidation.  

That's because the Dems claim questioning election fraud is "intimidation."  Neat language-control, eh?

The Ku Klux Klan Act has not been well litigated in the modern era, though in recent years [Democrats, which CNN disguises by saying] "some plaintiffs" have cited that law to hold Trump and his supporters accountable for their actions around the 2020 election, or [get money] from individuals who have engaged in right-wing political violence.

Wow, dat Trumpy beez reeeally bad, eh?  Say, how'd those lawsuits trying to imprison Trump for "election interference" or "insurrection" turn out, eh?  If I recall correctly (always a risk) the Supreme Court said challenging election results was a protected "official act" of presidents.  As you could have guessed, Dems screamed bloody murder (and are still screaming that the court needs to be either packed or rigged).  But CNN's propagandist ignores all that.

Oh, and "right-wing political violence," sez CNN's author.  Would that be like the two assassination attempts on Trump?  Oh wait, those were done by leftists.  But like the Democrat who shot up the Republican congressional baseball practice years ago, the Left ignores violence by their supporters.

Meanwhile this week a jury is hearing a case in which Biden-Harris campaign affiliates say that in 2020 they were "traumatized" by drivers in a “Trump Train caravan" that surrounded their campaign bus on a Texas interstate. The judge overseeing that matter has signed off on the KKK Act being used in the case.

Of course this has nothing whatsoever to do with the claimed topic of this propaganda piece, so why does the propagandist include it?  The answer is obvious: "Dis wuz 'political violence,' jus' like duh KKK [started and populated entirely by Democrats] used to intimidate voters back in 1870!"

No matter how much you may hate the Lying Mainstream Media, it's not nearly enough. 

Source: CNN


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