September 14, 2024

Does Cackles support having taxpayers pay for sex-change surgery for illegals?

Unless you're an ardent student of politics (do I really need "spoiler: you're not" here?), you have no idea how the Media is playing you.  And that's not a slur on your intelligence.  You have lots of far more important things to do, like keeping food on the family's table, and a roof over their heads.  I totally get it.

At the rigged "debate," Trump claimed Cackles supports forcing taxpayers to pay for sex-change operations for illegal aliens in prison.  In fact, to pay for those surgeries for ALL prisoners.

A shithead Democrat shill at the fucking New Yorker--Susan Glasser--went nuts about Trump's claim, bleating the equivalent of "Dat not true!"  Glasser wrote "What the hell was he talking about?  No one knows."

"No one know," you lying sack of shit?  But of course everyone who was the tiniest bit informed knew that in 2019 Cackles' campaign had confirmed that position on an ACLU questionnaire.  Of course Glasser either didn't know, or claimed not to.

Pick one, lying bitch.  You're either lying or incompetent, and I'll go either way you choose.

On Monday after the rigged debate, left-wing CNN reported that Cackles had explicitly endorsed using "executive authority to ensure that transgender and non-binary people--including those in prison and immigration detention--will have access to" sex-change operations.

And she didn't mean just "access to," but also forcing taxpayers to pay for it, since the damn operations are hugely expensive.  Now that critics have shown the New Yorker staff the CNN article citing the 2019 position, the mag has refused to correct Glasser's earlier lie.

Neither Cackles nor her lying campaign have disavowed this position.  And of course not a single reporter has demanded that Cackles answer any questions about her positions.  They're all being good little suck-ups.

When a Trump campaign official asked the New Yorker to correct the record, Glasser said she stood by the "view expressed in the column."  She claimed she was NOT "fact checking" [that's a lie] but was merely "questioning the political advisability of bringing up these things in a national debate."

All that is a lie.  Every word.  She was clearly implying Trump was lying, when Trump was telling the truth about Cackles' support for having taxpayers pay for sex-change operations for illegals in jail--and all prisoners.

Now a cunning, pre-scripted plan comes to the rescue:  the Cackles campaign is telling liberal "journalists" that the ACLU questionnaire was NOT filled out by Cackles, but by her campaign manager Julie Chávez Rodriguez.  The strategy of having an aide respond to positions is brilliant because it allows Cackles to deny that is or ever was her position.  

Now watch closely, because you're about to see the final step that makes the Dems' strategy perfect:

When Cackles is asked "What is your position on [whatever]," she always answers "My position hasn't changed." (Or alternatively "My views haven't changed.")

But which position IS that?   Is it the communist, raaacist, anti-American position your campaign claimed you had in 2019, to appeal to the Left during your brief presidential run, or is it the opposite?  Of course Cackles refuses to say.  She just keeps bleating "My position hasn't changed."

So-called "journalists" could make her look like the conniving, lying weasel she is if they were doing their job.  Wait, how silly of me: by covering for her lies--protecting her--they ARE doing their real job, which is to elect her and her pedo VP--her insurance against being impeached. 



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