September 14, 2024

How the Democrat-fellating Mainstream Media is pushing Cackles and discrediting Trump

If you believe a single word written by the Lying Mainstream Media, you're a fool who deserves exactly what you're about to get.

And while you richly deserve the fate your gullibility made inevitable, your innocent children don't, since they had no role in bringing about what you've done.

Almost all American children alive today--all except the children of the very rich--will suffer.  Some only slightly, some terribly.  You won't be able to prevent it.  You had your chance, but you were gullible: you believed the lies of the Democrat party and their allies in the Lying Mainstream Media.

So I'm not a bit sorry for you, but am sorry for what you've sentenced your children to for being gullible and ignoring obvious facts.

Example: see if you can detect all the utter, repulsive lies in this article from Dem-shill rag Time Ragazine:

"How Kamala Knocked Donald Trump Off Course
September 11, 2024 (ironically, the anniversary date of...what?  Five years from now only a few will know.)

The two candidates for president are totally different:  A billionaire businessman versus a career prosecutor and politician; a son of privilege against the daughter of a middle-class single mother.   One reckless, one cautious.

Which one do ya think Time's shills are calling "reckless," eh?  Apparently the shills at Time think the one who wants to release killers without bail is NOT the "reckless" one.

...a former commander in chief against the first Black and South Asian woman to claim the nomination.

Lord, that's SO "David versus Goliath," eh?  Except Cackles doesn't have a drop of black blood in her.  Her mom was from India and her dad was a white Jamaican.  But duh Dems and duh Media haz sed she Black, so she Black, eh?

They hail from brackets.

See, yew cain't trust a rich pyrsyn, but you can definitely trust a po' 'middle-class' girl, eh?  It's horseshit: Cackles implies she was raised in the Democrat-ruled shithole of Oakland, but in fact she was raised in one of the most exclusive, ritzy suburbs of Montreal.  Ah, y'say you never heard that?

For Trump the U.S. is a hellscape of rising crime, unchecked immigration and economic misery. For Harris the nation is beset by the division Trump has sowed, the abortion bans he ushered in, and the economic policies he passed that favor the rich at the expense of the rest.

Ahh, "the abortion bans he ushered in," eh?  Hey Time, name a single state that bans abortion.  Take your time.  Oh, y'say none?  But you just wrote "abortion bans, eh?  You're lying sons of whores.

The high-stakes clash underscored how dramatically the presidential race has changed since mid-summer, when even top Democrats conceded Trump appeared to be sailing to victory in his rematch with Joe Biden. As plain as it is that Trump wishes he were still running against Biden, it is equally apparent that Harris has rattled him.

Dere ya go, wokiez!  Trumpy wuz "rattled" by the fact that after Joe won every primary, and then the Dem rulerz realized he had a dementia problem, the rulerz simply handed the nomination to Cackles...while bleating dat dey wuz "defending ouah precious democracy"!
   When one party can take the nomination away from the winner and give it to whoever the rulerz prefer, dat is surely democracy, eh?

The split-screen said it all: Trump glowered and grimaced, spewing old grievances and strange new attacks. The former President repeated a baseless Internet rumor that migrant invaders were killing and eating pet dogs and cats in Springfield, Ohio, and claimed that Harris “wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison.”

What Trump didn't say, but should have, was that Cackles supported forcing taxpayers to pay for sex-change surgeries on illegal aliens in prison.  Entirely different thrust, eh?  If trannies want to pay for their own sex-change surgery, fine.  But forcing taxpayers to pay for those surgeries?  Go fuck yourselves, Democrats.

With sharp ripostes and canny traps, Harris baited Trump into...

Ahhh, "Sharp ripostes and canny traps," y'say. Could the propaganda be any more obvious?

Despite weeks of speculation that Harris was poised to replace Biden at the top of the ticket, Trump and his campaign were caught flat-footed, left lurching from one attack line to another. More than once, top aides thought they had settled on a strategy, only to see the candidate himself upend it on the fly.

"Despite weeks of speculation"?  In what universe?  The entire process of dumping Joe and gifting Cackles with the nomination took just two weeks.  Two days before Porridgebrain renounced the nom, he was bleating that he was in it to win it.  But the left-wing shitheads at Time want to make it seem that the Democrats signaled their intent to make Cackles their nominee WAY before that--simply to make the Trump people seem slow.  Totally predictable propaganda. 

According to a person close to Trump, the level of campaign infighting and backstabbing rivaled the 2016 operation, an infamous snake pit.

What?  In case you forgot, in 2016 Trump left all of you leftists open-mouthed when voters preferred him over your corrupt Hilliary.  Yet now you claim Trump's 2016 campaign was a "snake pit"?  Pretty successful one then.  

In a matter of weeks, Trump frittered away his commanding position.  Harris’ *smooth debut* galvanized the Democratic base and unlocked a fund­raising behemoth that dwarfed that of Trump and his allies.

It was only a "smooth debut" because you lying leftist assholes refused to push Cackles to tell voters her position on literally 15 huge issues on which she'd earlier said her position was X but now her campaign claimed it wasn't.  You deliberately covered for her, and you know it.

Despite her deft consolidation of power and surge of support, Harris remains undefined for many Americans.

Wow, harris "remains undefined for many Americans," y'say?  I can't imagine why.  Oh's because you people always refuse to ask her to state her positions.  When she says "My positions haven't changed," not one of you whores ever asks "Which position is that?"

Trump has cut deals with once-unlikely allies like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Elon Musk, and continues to test new attacks against Harris in search of one that will stick.

And your job, Time--along with the entire Lying Mainstream Media--is to make sure voters never hear about Cackles pushing positions voters would hate.

For many Republicans the only shift they want to see is an end to Trump’s sexist and racist attacks on Harris.

Ahh, "attacks" that have Trump claiming Cackles is a moron who knows absolutely nothing?  A moron who rose to power by servicing Willy Brown between the ages of 29 and 35?  Those are facts Time wants you to ignore.

Bringing up how Harris frames her identity was a targeted effort to charge Harris as inauthentic...

Truth to a Democrat is like holy water to a vampire:  Cackles implies she was raised on the mean streets of shithole Democrat-ruled Oakland, when in fact she was raised in one of the most exclusive suburbs of Montreal, Canada.  "Wait, dat cannot possibly be true!"  But of course it is true.

Many Republicans now [urge] “Trump should be talking issues, not throwing personal insults all over the place,” says Charlie Black, a veteran Republican strategist who was a senior adviser on John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign.”

WOW, an "advisor to McCain's campaign," y'say?  How'd that work out, eh?  I always pay attention to what "McCain advisors" bleat, cuz dey iz SO smaht!

[At the debate] in Philadelphia, those impulses sent the former President careening into trouble. By the end, Trump looked like a man flailing for a solution to an opponent he has yet to figure out, while Harris continued her tidy policy pivot to the center.  Her closing statement espoused a vision of unity, strength, and shared prosperity.  His was a bitter lament. “We’re a failing nation,” he said. “We’re laughed at all over the world.”

Time "Correction, Sept. 11"

"The original version of this story mischaracterized as false Donald Trump's statement accusing Kamala Harris of supporting “transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison” As a presidential candidate in 2019, Harris filled out a questionnaire saying she supported taxpayer-funded gender transition treatment for detained immigrants."

Wow, Time has lots of lackeys who could have checked that before the rag published the story, eh?  And in fairness, they found the truth the same day they published.  So why didn't they edit the text instead of only putting the correction at the end, eh?  

If you're a rational American you realize the Lying Mainstream Media constantly lies to ya.  If you're smart, you hate 'em...but no matter how much you hate 'em, it's not nearly enough.

Source: Time Ragazine


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