September 15, 2024

See if you can figure out the storyline without reading anything

The girl below was a college athlete at the University of Wisconsin.  The male below is her killer.  

On August 30th cops found her lying on the floor of her apartment curled up in the fetal position.  She had been shot not just once or twice, but EIGHT TIMES, with several of those shots fired while she was on the floor, almost certainly--mercifully--unconscious, if not already dead.  

"Shot several time as she lay curled up on the floor.  Think about that for a bit.

Cops found eleven empty shell casings "throughout the apartment" where she lived.

Now for the missing piece of the puzzle.  See if any of you could have predicted this:  The two had been dating.   

The big, strong murderer--a college wrestler--claims the two had an argument and his 110-pound girlfriend grabbed a gun from a bedside table.  The pair struggled over the gun--and with her being 5'3" an' him being a college wrestler it was a long, hard struggle befo' he wuz finally able to wrestle it away frum her (cuz he wuz a wrestler, eh?) and...shot her.  But it wuz a aksidint, see.  After he shot her the first time he wuz jus' so fired up he din' reelize dat pullin' duh trigger mo' would shoot mo', an' it wuz ju jus' bad luck dat she happen' t' be in duh way.

An' when she wuz curl up on duh flo' wif' three bullet wounds?  Well...he wuz so angry dat he jus' couldn' hep but pull duh trigger five mo' times.  All aksidintly.

Now: Democrats say "Yew cannot draw ANY conclusions from dis!  Cannot!  Dere is NO pattern here!  None, citizen!  Just as dere is NO pattern in...well, no pattern in anything, unless we Democrats say there is.  

"So if we say dere's no pattern, there's no pattern.  Like...well, claims of massive electoral fraud:  Not a single bit of evidence.  No pattern at all, citizen--like claiming there's some sort of correlation between fatal traffic accidents in a tiny Ohio town and 20,000 Haitians sent there by the harris regime." 

And they're about to elect a marxist racist prezzie, with a pedo VP for impeachment insurance.  Wow.



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