September 13, 2024

Democrats scream "gun violence!" if shooter is white. But if shooter is an illegal, crickets

Democrats constantly scream about "gun violence"--a wail they use to push for confiscating all civilian-owned guns.  

Of course they never call that "confiscation," but a "mandatory buy-back."  If you've been paying attention (spoiler: you haven't) you saw Cackles in 2019 swearing she supported exactly that.  

And of course the Dems absolutely *swoon* over shit like that, stupidly believing it will end crime.  What a hoot!  They're the same pipo who slobber over open borders and "universal basic income"--a monthly government check given to ALL residents.  If you think that can work, you must be a Democrat.

SO...I began this with "Democrats constantly scream about gun violence."  But that's not *quite* right:  On August 31 a white member of the 49ers football team (Ricky Pearsall) was walking  through San Francisco’s Union Square when a guy pointed a gun at him and demanded his Rolex.  Pearsall refused, and in the ensuing struggle the robber shot Pearsall in the chest.

Miraculously the bullet hit no vital organs and passed out his back.  The robber was also shot with his own gun.

Police chased down the robber, described only as a 17-year-old “boy” from a town 70 miles away.  Because duh po' "boy" wuz jus' 17, neither the cops nor the court nor the Lying Mainstream Media revealed the robber's name.

Cuz see, duh law proteks po' minor kids frum bein' identified, cuz...reasons.

Contrast that with Georgia school shooter Colt Gray--age 14.  The Media quickly published his name and photo.  Gosh, that's...odd, cuz duh law proteks po' minors frum bein' identified, right?


Only sometimes.  No photos of Pearsall’s shooter made the news, and he wasn't named.  See if you can guess why there are two standards.

A woman described as the shooter’s mother, also unnamed--cuz dat might enable readers to solve the mystery--needed a Spanish interpreter to follow the courtroom proceedings.

Was the shooter an illegal alien invader?  You'll never know, cuz...Democrat rulz.

So what have we learned so far?

If you're a Democrat, nothing at all.  You refuse to learn, claiming all such "events" beez raaaacis'.  Or simply "fake newz," eh?  Like 20,000 Haitians being shipped to tiny Springfield, Ohio by duh harris regime: "Din' happen, citizen."  Except it did.

In 2014 a Mexican national named Luis Bracamontes shot Sacramento police officers Danny Oliver and Michael Davis.  California attorney general Kamala Harris didn't call those murders “gun violence,” nor name their killer.  *This is who she is and what she supports.*

In 2015 in California, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik fatally shot 14 Americans.  Harris didn't bleat that those killings were "gun violence."  Hmmm, starting to see a pattern?

On July 1, 2015 in San Francisco a Mexican criminal who'd been deported SIX TIMES (Jose Ines Garcia Zarate) fired a shot that killed Kate Steinle.

Harris--who'd (astonishingly) been a DA in that city--didn't bleat this was "gun violence."

On December 25, 2018 in California, a Mexican criminal (Gustavo Perez Arriaga) fatally shot police officer Ronil Singh.  Senator Kamala Harris failed to condemn the murder as “gun violence.”

In 2019 in California two Mexicans illegally in the U.S. murdered police officer Brian Ishmael in California’s El Dorado County.  Harris said nothing about "gun violence."

So...when a white pyrsyn under 17 shoots someone, his name and photo are quickly made public.  Dems scream "gun violence!"  But if a shooter is a member of a "specially-protected group" Dems say nothing, and the Media isn't interested.

And stupid voters are about to elect harris and her pedo VP pick to rule the country.  Wow.



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