September 16, 2024

Questions that MUST be asked about the latest "would-be assassin"

Well well well...another would-be assassin, eh?

A 58-year-old with a very long criminal record, made anti-Trump posts on social media ("Democracy is on the ballot and we cannot lose."), donated only to Democrats.  Supported Bernie Sanders.

So...exactly echoing the Democrat bleats about Trump, eh?

Okay, we'll find out more about the guy by this time next year, cuz the Fibbies won't say squat before then--"It's an 'ongoing investigation,'" they'll bleat.

So what we know as of now:  According to all reports neither Trump nor the campaign had published a schedule for yesterday.  Yes, Trump was playing on a course he owns, and the course is closed when he plays.  Question is, how far in advance do his assistants notify the course?

This is critical because I think we can all agree that regular people don't wander around carrying a scoped "AK-style" rifle, eh?  So does anyone think it plausible that the would-be assassin lived in the local area, just happened to park near the fence, saw Trump's party ready to tee off, ran back to his car to get his scoped rifle and set up his firing position?  

The chances of that are virtually zero.  The nutter wouldn't have known Trump would be teeing off, let alone at what time.  For him to have arrived armed and ready to shoot, he had to have been tipped off.

Given the planning needed to map out the closest place one could park outside the course, then unless you buy the staggeringly improbable "Oh, he just happened to be there, with his scoped rifle" scenario, the only other option is that the guy knew Trump would be on the course, at that time.

Who would have known that?

Obviously the Secret Service, both the members of the protective detail and the top officials--like that lying sack of shit who's the "interim chief" after the departure of the incompetent DEI hire Cheadle.   Ponder that for a bit.

The would-be shooter was originally from North Carolina and had a VERY long criminal history.  He'd moved to Hawaii.  So how long had he been on the Mainland?  When did he arrive?  Where was he staying on the day he set up the firing position (which would let us figure out how much advance notice he would have needed to get to that position)?

As explained above, the would-be assassin's presence in a firing position is astronomically unlikely to be due to chance.  In which case someone who knew Trump's scheduled tee-off time told Routh where to go and when.

If those are the only two choices--and "chance" is zero--watch for this story to vanish in 72 hours--but not before the Democrats and people like Rachel Madcow, Larry O'Donnell and late-night "comedy show" talkers claim this was all staged by the Trumpers to win sympathy.

I think there's a 50-50 chance the guy will mysteriously die while in jail.  The authorities will call it suicide, just as they did with Epstein.  "Dead men tell no tales," eh?

One other thing is certain: If some other shooter succeeds, the Democrats and the Lying Media will use that to push for gun confiscation--after praising the shooter for "saving ouah precious democracy." 


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