September 11, 2024

The future of public education in the Dem cities doesn't look good

I'm not an enemy of public education.  In some places--"good schools"--public-school employees do a good job.  

One of the key reasons is that students in those schools are almost all well-behaved.  Students don't beat up teachers or other students, so they learn just like we did.

At the other end of the spectrum, wanna see the future?  Take a look at Birmingham, Alabama, where just 6%--*six percent*--of students in the city's public elementary schools tested proficient in math.  Just one out of five students tested proficient for reading.

Democrats: "But dat beez elementary school!  By duh time dey gets t'middle school, things gon' be way diff'rent, citizen!"

Different?  In Birmingham middle schools just 4% of students--not a typo, four percent--tested proficient in math.  Just under one in five tested proficient in reading.

Democrat: "Wait...isn't four percent testing proficient in math in middle school *worse* than the five percent proficient in elementary school?"

Why yes, it is.  

Teachers' union execs: "You mus' be stoopid.  Our brilliant union president tol' yew maff beez raaacis!  Did yew not hear dat?  Why wud yew want yo' chirren to be taught a raaaacis' subject, eh?"

But cheer up, deplorable!  By the time students were tested in high school a full 5% tested proficient in maff.  S'cuse me: "math," dammit.  So the same percentage that tested proficient in elementary school, eh?

And just 12% of high school students tested proficient in reading, down from about 20% in middle school and elementary school.

If you're starting to think the public schools aren't actually teaching anything useful, join the club.  Could students be doing lots better in history, principles of government, physics, chemistry?  Maybe, but the state only tests reading and math, so we have no idea.  But perhaps you can extrapolate.

Birmingham City Schools are roughly 88 percent black, 10 percent Hispanic, and 1 percent white.  The system spends over $136 million per year, which they say is over $12,000 per student.  That's their number--I can't confirm this from their website info.

SOoo...$12,000 per student per year, and by the end of high school a whopping 95% aren't proficient in maff!  88% aren't proficient in reading.  To say this is insane is one hell of an understatement.

Teachers' union execs: "Here's what we need to do!  Let's increase teachers' salaries!  Yeah, dat should do it!"

The "superintendent" of the city school system makes $274,482 a year in salary, excluding benefits.  And he's the best they've got, apparently.

You have to wonder who's testing the teachers for proficiency.  How much of each day is wasted on teaching wokie shit, like duh faaabulous benefits of being tranny?  And finally, when the "superintendent" makes $274,000 a year, why doesn't he change the policies to improve the results, eh?

Answer: No one holds him--or anyone-- responsible for silly things like "results."  And of course for the past five years Democrats have been bleating that "maff beez raaacis'," so 5% proficiency in maff is totally understandable: why would teachers want to teach something the Dems claim is raaacist, right?  And why would students bother trying to learn it?

If Birmingham was an outlier it would be reassuring.  But the city is not an outlier:  Virtually all black-run schools in the nation are getting worse instead of better.  It's the wave of the future, comrade.  

But don't worry: Cackles has a Plan to fix it, just like the border and inflation.  Which is to say, she doesn't have a plan to fix any of the problems.  All she knows how to do is laugh at your stupidity. 


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