September 07, 2024

Some agency is busing Haitian immigrants into a tiny Alabama town, and residents are asking...

Sylacauga is a tiny Alabama town--population 12,580--and over the last few months scores of Haitians have been bused into that town.  Since it's such a small town, residents noticed--and had a few questions for city officials.

Now if you're a Democrat you probably didn't know that city officials are supposed to work for...the citizens.  But in far too many cases "city officials" actually work for the Democrat party and simply refuse to answer questions that would reveal cunning exploitation of trusting citizens by the Dem regime.

Example: yesterday at a city council meeting, when residents asked pointed questions about who in the town knew in advance about the plan to bus Haitians to the town, the council president was so miffed about being asked questions that she ended the meeting after 20 minutes.  

Several residents had asked questions about how the city knew the Haitians were coming, where the Haitians were being bused from in the U.S, whether they were legal immigrants, and how that had been determined.

After just those questions, council president Tiffany Nix shut off any further questions by ending the meeting.

Nix is obviously covering up for the harris regime, saying “I want to welcome anyone who wants to come to Sylacauga.  I don’t see what the issue is.”

The issue is, Nix and the mayor are Democrats, and the Office of Refugee Resettlement almost certainly advised 'em about the imports so they would be prepared with denials and deflections instead of going to the local paper to complain they were blindsided by the harris regime.

But wait!  If unlimited immigration from shitholes like Haiti and Venezuela is such a good thing, why isn't the harris regime open about it, eh?  Cuz dey keep bleating dat it's an unequivocal good, right?

Well, except in Dem-ruled cities like New York, Chitcongo, Boston and Denver, eh?  But nuttin' like dat cud happen in a sleepy li'l Dem town in Alabama, right?



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