September 05, 2024

How the Dem rulerz rejected 14 million primary votes and *selected* Cackles

Since Kamala Harris is now the Dem nominee (how dat happen?  Democracy, dummy!)--and is within the margin of steal--it's long past time that you knew more about her, since all you're hearing from her handlers and the Lying Maintream Media are brazen lies.  

Back in 2020 Harris--"Cackles"--a first-term U.S. senator from faaabulously wealthy California--made a well-financed but *very* brief run for the Democrat nomination.  Despite being well financed, she was so unpopular in her home state that she never polled over one percent, and dropped out before the first primary.

To repeat: she dropped out before the first primary.  Never won a single vote, much less any delegates.

Then as a bribe to black and female voters the corrupt, senile vegetable who won the Democrat nomination made a fateful promise to select a "woman of color" as his VP.  That painted him into a *very* tight corner because the choices were slim.  But then magic happened: Cackles's mom was from India and her dad was from Jamaica.  Wasn't a bit black.  But because she was the best choice from a very crappy field, suddenly the Media claimed she was...wait for

So when the Dems stole the 2020 election, Cackles became biden's VP.  He quickly put her in charge of the wide-open southern border.  The adoring Media swooned that the "brilliant" woman of color had been given this prestigious, challenging job of "border czar."  But since she supported open borders (as do all Dems) all she did was visit central-American countries and chat with leaders there--so nothing useful at all.  And now her campaign denies that she was EVAH "border czar."

Now: when a president is hugely unpopular (as biden was before being forced out), he often draws primary challengers.  But as his VP Cackles would have looked like a backstabber if she'd entered the nomination process to overthrow senile Joe.  So despite biden's total imbecility, senility and incompetence, his only serious challenge came from RFK jr, and the Democrat party dealt with that by suing to keep him off the ballot.

So joe easily won every primary, becoming the "presumptive Democrat nominee."

But as joe's senility and incompetence became increasingly obvious to most rational adults, the Dems realized they were gonna lose big if they kept him as their nominee.  But since the primaries were over, how could the party legally, "democratically" replace him with a different nominee?  

"Eh, don't worry, comrade: Vee are Zuh Partei und vee haf vays of doing zees things!"  One of which was to get Porridgebrain--who, you recall, had won every primary--to "voluntarily" renounce the nomination!

But how would the Dem rulerz decide who would be the nominee, eh?   Bets were on Gavin "Hairdoo" Newsom, then Gretch Whitmer, then RFK.  But don't worry your pretty, empty head about it, Dem voters!  Cuz whatever the Dem rulerz decided to do, they knew you'd vote Dem cuz the Mainstream Media has been telling you for years that Trump is Hitler, right?

And now yet another of those all-too-common "magic things" intervened to make the decision: black women threatened to "blow up the party" unless Cackles was selected as the nominee.

And with that, the Dem rulerz had their answer.  Everyone knew Cackles was an idiot, but she had two faaabulous advantages over the other Dem candidates: she was female, and thanks to the magic of the Mainstream Media the entire public believed she was...wait for  

But at that point merits or lack thereof no longer mattered, because after black women threatened to "blow up the party" (verbatim quote) unless the Dems nominated Cackles, the Dems had no choice:  Unless they selected Cackles, with women and blacks not motivated to vote they'd lose too many seats in congress.

Of course Party leaders were FAR too cunning to allow their choice of Cackles to be debated at the convention, so to prevent that they set up an on-line vote before the convention that made the choice official.  (The great show of calling for votes at the DNC was just for show; the vote had already been taken.)

So that's how a woman who'd never filed to run for the office, had never run in a single primary, never won a single delegate before the decision was made by the rulerz to select her, is within a few thousand votes of becoming your next president.

Her campaign staff has now totally repudiated all of her earlier unequivocal positions from her short 2020 presidential run.  Having her staff issue the flipflop instead of Cackles prevents the Trump campaign from getting juicy video of her stating the flipflop herself.

When a CNN interviewer pointedly asked harris  about reversing her position on fracking and border security, harris either lied or clumsily dodged the question.  And predictably, the corrupt interviewer covered for the incompetent harris and didn't ask a single followup question.

Such is the state of America in 2024, thanks to the Mainstream Media and the Democrat party.

And she's within 30,000 fraudulent ballots of being your next president--with the ghastly lying son of a bitch walz as her impeachment insurance.  

Wow, it jus' keeps gettin' bettah and bettah, eh?


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