September 03, 2024

In 2020 Cackles said--on video--she supported reparations. Ask her if she still does

Hey Democrats!  Do you support the federal government taking money from people who never owned slaves and giving that money to people who never WERE slaves?  Cuz that's what Cackles supports.

Well at least that's what she said during her VERY short presidential campaign in 2020.  She totally, unequivocally pledged to Al Sharpton that she'd sign a reparations bill.

Y'know, I'd think voters would want to know if she's flip-flopped on that like she has on everything else, eh?  Sure would be great if Trump asked her at the debate (IF she doesn't back out) "In 2020 you said you would sign a bill paying reparations.  Do you still stand by that position, or have you flipflopped to win votes from Democrats?"

Or maybe a "journalist" could ask her first, eh?

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!  Just kidding!  No "reporter" would EVAH ask duh anointed wonder-cackler that question! 

Video of cackles supporting reparations


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