September 06, 2024

SAY, citizen, how'd today's "jobs report" do compared to duh estimate? How about July?

WELL...this is SO amusing!

This morning the regime's lackeys at the Dept of Labor released the deliberately-fake "jobs report."

The theoretically unbiased "experts" had forecast... of course unless you're in the business yew have no idea, and don't care.  An' duh Mainstream Media will quietly bury the forecast in paragraph 27 so you'll never see it.  But I keep track of trivia like that, and the *forecast* was for 161,000 new jobs for August.

So this morning what did duh lackeys say, eh?

142,000--a number duh Democrat-fellating Mainstream Media bragged wuz "up from 89,000 in July."  (For residents of Seattle, where duh rulers haz decreed dat "maff beez raaaaacist"--142,000 is WAY less den the 161,000, eh?)

See, duh Democrat-fellating shills in duh Media din' wanna say "Duh August number wuz way lower den duh forecast," eh?  So instead dey sed "Duh new number beez way higher den in July!!!!!"

And Wait...didn't the lackeys say that in July duh *booming* biden economy added HOW MANY jobs?  What was it?  Oh yeah: 114,000.  YAY!

Oh wait!  Today duh regime admitted that the "revised" figure for July was actually...89,000 ??  Wow, dat beez a stunning 22 percent lower den whut dey tol' ya in August, eh?  

And jus' fo' duh record, what wuz duh concensus forecast for July?  Oh yeah:  Duh consensus forecast for July was that a *faaaaaabulous* 175,000 new jobs would be added!  But it turned out to be just 89,000!  Wow, dat beez barely HALF of whut duh unbiased "experts" predicted, eh?

Anyone who believes *anything* the corrupt Democrat/Mainstream Media regime tells you is so fucking stupid you deserve to die.  Yes, I went there.

The average Democrat voter is so dumb that if the regime said at noon that it was midnight, they'd all go right to sleep.  If duh regime sed filet mignon was $2 a pound, duh average Democrat would believe it.

So here's the *obvious* question: If half the U.S. electorate is that goddamn dumb, is there any plausible hope that our once-great nation can survive?

Democrat rulerz: "Of course!  We kin' only survive if we elects duh faaaabulous Cackles an' her faaabulous military-hero VP Tim Walz!  Cuz Trumpie sed he wanted to be a dictator on Day One!"

Yeah, nice intentional miss of sarcasm.

Half of all Americans are too damn dumb to live without help.  Not you, of course.  You're reeeally smaht, cuz yew vote fo' duh partei dat supports open borders and unlimited illegal immigration, genital mutilation and sterilization of minors.  Men competing in womens' sports.  Throwing political opponents into prison for three years wif'out charges or bail.

In other words, perfect Democrat voters.  And the Mainstream Media tells ya everything is absolutely faaabulous.  Wow.

Source: Dem shill-site CNBC


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