September 03, 2024

Washington Post pushes for electing president by winner of the national popular vote

The Democrats are fanning the flames under their voters to end the "electoral college" and change to electing presidents by the winner of the total national popular vote.

Typical is this "opinion piece" in today's shitty Washington Post titled "A failing grade for the electoral college."  

Sub-head: "A relic of another time, the electoral college distorts the results of our presidential elections and thwarts the will of the people."  They hate it because going to the winner of the national popular vote would give the Dems more power.

(The Post doesn't print opinion pieces from conservatives.)

Now, if you're a typical American you may vaguely recall that an ancient piece of paper called "the Constitution"--once called "the supreme law of the land" by our Founders but discarded 50 years ago by "sophisticated" Democrats--says we'll elect president using the electoral college.

If you're under 40 you almost certainly don't know why that should be, right?  Your highschool civics class nevah taught dat.  But they your school probably didn't require civics, cuz...reasons.

The EC was a compromise made to get states with small populations to "ratify" the new Constitution.  The leaders of those states knew that if presidents were elected by the winner of the national popular vote, virtually all future candidates would come from the high-population states like New York.

SO...because Democrats (the Left) rule all but two of the high-population states, for the last several elections the Dems have almost always won the national popular vote, but the electoral college gave Republicans G.W. Bush and Trump the wins despite the Dems winning the NPV.

Now it's obvious why the Dems/leftists want to junk the Constitution's compromise and start electing presidents by the winner of the NPV, eh?

But the Democrats know there's no way they can get enough small-population states to vote for a Constitutional Amendment.  So they have a totally cunning workaround to junk the EC *without amending the Constitution.*

Ahhh, I hear my liberal friends saying that's not possible.  Google "NPVIC."  It's so entrenched that the abbrieviation alone finds it.

States having 209 electoral votes have already passed a state law committing them to ordering their "electors" to cast their vote for the winner of the national popular vote *even if their state voted for the other party.*  In states with another 74 electoral votes the bill has passed one chamber of the state legislature, meaning eventual passage is likely.

When states with 270 electoral votes pass laws joining the "compact," it automatically takes effect.

This thing has been rolling for 18 years, yet you never heard a word about it til now.  You might ask yourself why that is.

The Dems want to keep this cunning plan low-key, quietly pushing for individual Dem-ruled states to pass the law without alerting the wider public.

Source: Wash. Post


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