September 03, 2024

"Alexa" robot programmed to shill for Cackles, pretend neutrality when asked about Trump

That son of a bitch Bezos not only has his wholly-owned liberal newspaper (the Washington Post) shilling for Cackles, but his lackeys have programmed Amazon's Alexa to do the same!

A curious Alexa owner asked “Alexa, why should I vote for Donald Trump?”

The programmed robot replied, "I cannot provide content that promotes a specific political party or a specific candidate."

UNLESS IT’S KAMALA HARRIS!   Cuz one minute later when the same owner asked "Alexa, why should I vote for Kamala Harris?" the bot gave a long summary praising harris for being female and having "progressive policies."

The programmers at Amazon probably didn't think anyone would ask the same questions about both candidates.

The video was posted at 9:29 am this morning, but by 2:45 pm Bezos's lackeys had re-programmed the bot to give the same "I cannot provide content that promotes a specific political party" for both candidates.  Wow.

Now, the praise of Cackles while faking neutrality when asked about Trump is absolutely an "in-kind contribution" to Cackles.  If I were Trump I'd sue Amazon for violating campaign finance laws--because I can assure you they didn't declare this one-sided support for the Dems as an "in-kind contribution" worth millions.

Of course it could be a "deep fake," eh?



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