September 05, 2024

Harris regime's carefully-planned hit-piece yesterday ("Russia helping Trump!") blown up by Putin

Hey citizen, didja see duh BIG newz yesterday?  Comrade Garland and his merry band of thugs and killers held a massive presser--including duh head of duh Fibbies and the corrupt Lisa Monaco, to announce that "Russia is interfering in the 2024 election to help TRUMP!"

Yep yep yep, dat's dere claim--just as they claimed in 2016, eh?  Except a two-year, multimillion dollar investigation found absolutely no evidence for the claim that "Trump colluded with Russia to win the election."  Of course that didn't stop the Democrats and their Media lackeys from continuing to claim that, but no matter, eh?

Of course no reporter bothers to ask the obvious question: why in the hell would Putin want Trump to be president instead of the corrupt, moronic Cackles?  That's never asked...because it's totally illogical.

And now Putin himself has said he wants Cackles to win in November.  And that's from Putin himself, via the Democrat shills at Axios! 


Democrats: "NO NO NO, citizens!  Putin doesn't want Harris to win!  Dis FAKE NEWZ!  Cuz comrade Garland told us yesterday dat Russia wuz interfering in our election to help TRUMP!  An' comrade Garland haz nevah lied to us before, right?  An' he was flanked by duh head of duh FBI, and on the other side by faaabulous, honest Lisa Monaco, who made sure Hunty biden wasn't prosecuted for his two worst years of tax fraud before duh statute of limitations ran out.

"So clearly Putin is either lying or has confused Harris with Trumpf, citizens.  Cuz comrade Garland sez Russia iz interferin' to hep Trumpie!  See, comrade Garland knows who Putin is really supporting, right?  Cuz comrade Garland an' Wray an' Lisa Monaco beez smaht an' honest!  Really!"

Folks, this is yet another "glitch in the Matrix," in which a carefully-planned piece of regime propaganda ("Russia interfering AGAIN to help Trump win!") was released on schedule, but then the very next day that was utterly contradicted by Putin himself.

See, the Democrat regime knows Dem voters are so stupid that they'll believe Putin supports the pro-America, pro-military Trump over the open-borders, pro-child-castrating, anti-military, ineffably stupid Harris--whose open-borders policies alone are destroying the U.S.  Why would Putin want to put a stop to THAT, eh?  But that's comrade Garland's Narrative, and the regime will stick to it through the election. 

Source: Democrat shill-site Axios  


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