September 03, 2024

A brief history lesson

Unless you're a military-history buff (or over 60) you know virtually nothing about WW2.  

Fair enough: You've got more important things to worry about, eh?

This past weekend marked the 85th anniversary of the start of the Second World War--September 1, 1939.  It lasted six long, bloody years.  About 417,000 American troops were killed.

But eventually the tide turned: In July of 1943 the Italian dictator Mussolini was killed and his government essentially evaporated.  In September of that year his successor surrendered.

One down, two to go.

On June 6th, 1944, the Allies invaded Hitler's heavily-defended European coast, at the cost of 2,500 American lives.  Just the ensuing battle for the French province of Normandy cost the lives of 73,000 allied troops.
Less than a year later--in April of 1945--Germany surrendered.  "V.E. day."  Two down, one to go.

On August 6th of that year a single U.S. bomber dropped one bomb on Hiroshima, instantly destroying most of that city.  Three days later a second B-29 dropped one bomb on Nagasaki.  The short three days between the two bombs was intended to make the Japanese military believe we had LOTS of those city-killers ready to go.

It was a bluff, but it worked.  Japan surrendered, signing the articles ending the war aboard the U.S.S. Missouri on September 1, 1945.

In the 79 years since then, Germany, Japan and Italy have been model nations.  Hmm....

But sadly, 79 years later the nation that was founded as a shining example of freedom has been rotted out from within by the forces of tyranny, corruption and oppression--forces that seek to destroy us to satisfy their demand for absolute control.

So why is any of this relevant to you, eh?  After all, dat stuff beez ancient history!  We iz way mo' slick now, cuz of ouah brilliant Democrat prezzies who have ruled for 12 of the last 16 years.

Here's why:  Everyone knows war is horrible.  Unfortunately, when an enemy threatens war if you don't give 'em what they want, what are your options?

Democrats: "Well of course dat cud nevah happen! But if it did we would negotiate with 'em.  After all, all nations today are run by reasonable people, right?  Surely they wouldn't go to war when they could *negotiate,* right?"

You dumb bastards should really try studying history sometime.  You just might learn something. (You won't, but I'll review for ya anyway:)

Hitler started WW2 with a suprise attack on western Europe.  Less than two years later, in June of 1941, Hitler invaded the Soviet Union in another surprise attack.  This one was *really* unexpected because just a week before Hitler attacked western Europe, Germany and the USSR had secretly signed a "mutual non-aggression pact" in which each side promised not to attack the other.  

Less than six months later Japan launched a devastatingly successful surprise attack on American forces at Pearl Harbor, sinking or badly damaging *every* American battleship in the Pacific.  Only by God's grace (or if you insist, luck) all our aircraft carriers weren't anchored in the harbor, thus preserving our only means of defense.

Less than five years after WW2 ended, on June 25th, 1950 communist forces of North Korea launched a surprise attack on South Korea, starting the Korean War.

And so it goes--repeated endlessly.  Power-mad rulers launch surprise attacks.  (So much for "But we'd *negotiate!*")  And because Democrats don't know jack about history ("why study that dumb stuff when we can study Taylor Swift?") we always end up in the same place.

And sure enough, thanks to biden and Cackles our Navy is decommissioning ships, trannies are infesting the ranks and war-fighters are having their careers ended because they didn't push their troops to always state and use "preferred pronouns."   

Thanks, Democrats.  Thanks, Obozo.  Thanks, Porridgebrain.
So based on what you see today, how many of you think the U.S. would lift a finger to defend, say, Taiwan against a Chinese invasion?

The Democrats are even within a hair's-breadth of stopping the sale of weapons to Israel, to win 100,000 Muzz votes in Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota.  So does anyone really think the Dems would vote to go to war for ANY reason?

So now we're treated to a bunch of moronic thugs called "Houthis" bombing oil tankers with low-cost drones, smirking that the U.S. won't do anything to stop 'em.  Which is true.  But hey, Cackles and the corrupt biden insist dat we don' need no awful carbon fuels, so who cares, right?

Watching the dominoes fall is actually pretty amusing.  It'll be even more amusing watching the leaders of the Democrat party blaming all the resulting problems on Globull Worming, or Trump, or "intolerance," or "Republican obstructionism."

I'll be laughing my ass off. 


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