Interview with the demon
I am a demon. Yes, of course from hell. But working out of NYC. Nice to meet you. wanna know how we did it, eh? We cooed adorably "Love is love," and our agents in the Media gushed that this was SO sophisticated. And your so-called "elites" instantly agreed. And because all your Democrats and liberals take your cues on what's "in" from the elites, they quickly agreed too.
Then a year later my fellow demons and I demanded the right to have sex with your kids, citing your total, eager agreement that "Love is love." We got your "elites" to replace "pedophile" with "MAP," since no one would feel threatened by a map, eh? Of course that was the acronym for "minor-attracted persons," but after two weeks everyone forgot the real meaning. Mission accomplished.
You people are so easy.
Years ago my fellow demons began burning your nation's flag, claiming "It's just a piece of cloth." Your "elites" took up the chant, claiming burning the U.S. flag was "free speech," which is guaranteed by your Bill of Rights. And your Supreme Court agreed, as we knew they would.
Then 30 years later--with the First Amendment still in your Constitution--when a group of our "useful idiots" painted the colors of the so-called "pride flag" on the pavement in a few Democrat-ruled cities, and drivers left tire marks on the road, we demanded your politicians order their cops to arrest the drivers for a "hate crime"! And of course they did. Mission accomplished.
Because the double-standard between burning the American flag (now declared legal) and leaving tire marks on a patch of road painted in "pride" colors was SO glaringly obvious, a few of my fellow demons told me they didn't think we could possibly get away with it. But I know your elites and your Media SO well, and your leftist Media nodded and agreed that leaving tire marks on dat "pride flag" iz "hate speech!"
Gotta tell ya, we did some real partying that night!
My fellow demons routinely invite speakers to your kid's university to speak on the crucial need to demand the violent overthrow of "the patriarchy." Conservative parents complain, but our useful-idiot minions screamed "Freedom of speech gives us the absolute right to invite these brave revolutionaries to speak." And of course every corrupt university president agreed--as we knew they would. Every one. Not a single exception, cuz... "freedom of speech," deplorable.
But when conservative students at a university try to invite a conservative speaker, our servants riot and threaten destruction if that person is allowed to speak. University presidents--all leftists--then order their cops (minions) to tell the conservative students the university can't guarantee the safety of the invited speaker.
"Of course we reeeally truly support freedom of speech," they bleat. "Dat beez an absolute right! We would nevah try to take away that right! But if certain violent groups threaten to burn down the U if your speaker is allowed to speak, whatevah can we do?
So you still have free speech, citizen. You just can't exercise that right. "Not ouah fault! Why you so upset, bro?"
And speaking of freedom of speech: One of our greatest victories was the notion of "hate speech." As should be obvious, that term is--as they say--"infinitely flexible:" It can be defined any way one wishes. So the Left (i.e. my minions) have defined it as any speech that hurts someone's feewings. And it's easy to find one of my fellow demons or a minion who claims his, her or "their" feewings were hurt by "being misgendered," or you not using their preferred pronouns. Or calling them by their given name, which they've cunningly called a "dead-name."
Some of my fellow demons didn't think such transparently absurd bullshit could possibly fly, but fortunately your elites have totally bought into this horse-shit. Not a single one of your elites even thinks about calling it out.
You people are SO easy! Takin' candy from a baby.
And today "woke" parents (LOVE that term!)-- and your Democrat president and VP--eagerly preen about encouraging young kids to "change gender." I barely had to lift a finger to set this in motion. Your president ORDERED that men who simply claimed to be female must be treated as if they were actual females. And your VP--who is one of our top recruits--totally agrees.
You say you wanna know where we stand on addictive drugs? Naturally we're all for 'em.
By 1960 addictive drugs were everywhere--and your elites loved that. In the old days kids who were fat were teased, and as a result often got in shape. But by 2015 we'd gotten people to accept the notion that kids didn't need to be in shape to have fun. In fact one of the your more popular singers was a 350-pounder who was absolutely fawned over by the media for being so proud of being fat. But of course we know that people who are obese are far more like to turn to addictive drugs rather than do the hard work of exercising.
Your elites have now totally embraced the idea that urging fat kids to avoid drugs and get in shape--which the elites call that "fat shaming"--is forbidden. It's brilliant! I got a promotion for that one.
Another of my brilliant achievements is "DEI."
Start with "diversity." We seeded that by claiming that if unqualified people are allowed to sit on a company's board of directors and voice their ideas, sometimes one of those wins. Who could possibly argue with that, eh?
Of course it's more likely that other board members, eager to signal their virtue, will approve a crazy idea that will cost the company billions. But certainly it's possible, just like winning the lottery. Once this truism--however unlikely--was accepted, it was child's play to take it to the absurd limit: Demand that a company building commercial airliners hire a government-ordered percentage of employees who couldn't do "maff."
Company CEOs knew the "elites" and the Media loved this idea, and that one of your major political parties would jump on board, so they eagerly signed on.
Next was "inclusion." We chose this label because it played on everyone's childhood fears: No one wanted to be excluded from the "in-group" of kool kidz. Since everyone feared that, who could possibly be opposed to "inclusion," right?
Of course everyone agreed, and it was easy from there: Your elites claimed males claiming to be female had to be allowed to compete in girls' sports--cuz if that wasn't allowed, you'd be "excluding innocent chirren from playing school sports," eh? And dat would NOT be "inclusive!"
You people are SO easy!
Now we're working on "equity." We chose that term because it sounds like "equality," which is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. Since so few Americans have ever read the Constitutions--let alone studied it--many confuse the two. Of course "equality" means everyone has the same rights." "Equity"--as the Democrat presidential nominee Cackles (even we demons call her that) explains, that's when everyone has the same outcome, regardless of study or effort or horrible choices.
She's on video pushing exactly that. We had to intervene to keep that video from going viral, but of course that's easy, since all the networks and most cable companies do whatever we say.
Yes, of course, obviously demanding equal outcomes regardless of effort is a recipe for utter disaster. And yes, of course we knew that. (Have you forgotten who I am?) But so MANY Americans confuse the two words that every Democrat and half the Republicans totally support "equity."
You're all so easy! We dangle a cuddly buzzword in front of you--a buzzword no good person could possibly oppose. And once everyone has thoroughly demonstrated their virtue by agreeing to the cuddly principle, we sit back and let that "cool, hip" principle do what we intended: destroy your society. And since your leftist "elites" fell all over themselves endorsing the warm, cuddly principle, none of your "elites" or Democrats has the courage to object.
And when the policy--open borders or legalizing deadly drugs or legalizing theft or legalizing foreigners illegally entering the U.S. or anything else--achieves what we knew it would, your elites blame...conservatives, Russia, global warming...anything other than their policy that caused it.
And the beauty of it is that it's happening so gradually that only a handful of Americans even notice it--and it's easy for the Media elites to marginalize those few Americans as "raaaaacists," misogynists, "right-wing extremists" and "Q-anon supporters."
You people are SO easy!
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