September 01, 2024

Democrat Nazi demands "global regulators" fine or arrest Musk for saying things dem don' like

How far down the communist rabbit hole have we fallen?  "Slick Willy" Clinton appointed a dipshit named Robert Reich to be his Secretary of Labor. 

The NY Times slobbers over every word Reich bleats.  And in a column published Friday Reich bleated that Elon Musk was "out of control," and that Democrat totalitarian government should stop him from supporting free speech the Democrat regime doesn't like.

Except the cunning Reich knew that would reveal the Dems' true goal, so instead he wrote "stop him."  From what?  Ah, that's the cunning part.

"He may be the richest man in the world. He may own one of the world’s most influential social media platforms. But that doesn’t mean we’re powerless to stop him," Reich wrote, including a list of things "people" could do to rein in Musk.

Well not *ordinary* people, but Democrats, with their total fear and loathing of X, which they haven't found a way to control and censor...yet.

When Musk spent $44 BILLION to buy Twitter (now X) in 2022, Reich decreed that the purchase was "dangerous nonsense," arguing that the costly purchase was "just about power" rather than free speech.  See, Reich and Democrats HATE free speech, but they can't admit that, so have to find some bullshit other reason to oppose X and Musk.

Reich wrote that "Regulators around the world should threaten Musk with arrest if he doesn’t stop disseminating lies and hate on X."

"Free speech?  Nah, we gon' call duh stuff we don' like 'lies and hate,' cuz duh American pipo will support ouah makin' doze illegal!"

Reich argued that "global regulators" might already be considering threatening Musk with arrest, citing France's arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov.

French agents arrested Durov last week because French prosecutors claim his encrypted app is being used by criminals "for child sexual abuse material and drug trafficking."  Those charges are almost always strongly supported by the public--unless they're made against illegal aliens being allowed into the U.S. by the harris regime, in which case all is totally fine.

French judges ordered Durov to pay 5 million euros bail.  So Reich, seeing the ease with which the French government extorted millions from Durov, felt it was a good time to push for the same against Musk.

"The Federal Trade Commission should demand that Musk take down lies that are likely to endanger individuals, and if he does not, sue him," Reich bleated. "His free-speech rights under the first amendment don’t take precedence over the public interest."

Bob--can I call you Bob, you worthless Nazi piece of shit?--the public interest is for free speech, period.  If you have examples you claim are lies from Musk, trot 'em out, asshole.  Otherwise go fuck yourself, you worthless Nazi piece of shit.

Oh, sorry, I repeated myself.

And wait!  It gets better!  The POS also urged the harris regime to terminate its contracts with Musk's Space X.  

"Why is the government allowing Musk’s satellites and rockets to become crucial to the nation’s security when he’s shown utter disregard for the public interest? Why give Musk more economic power when he repeatedly abuses it and demonstrates contempt for the public good?" Reich bleated.

Again, what's your evidence that Musk has "demonstrated contempt for the public good"?  Trot it out, asshole.  You are a scum-sucking Nazi.  You hate they guy, and you're good at writing propaganda: bleat that your enemy "demonstrates contempt for the public good" and your moronic party members will believe it.

And DO press on with your demand that the harris regime cancel contracts with Space-X, Bob.  Cuz for better or worse, Musk's Space-X has developed rockets able to reach the space station, and NASA has asked him to rescue the two pyrsyn crew of Boeing's malfunctioning Starliner.  Cancel that mission, Bob.  I dare ya, asshole.

Reich's final suggestion was that Americans "make sure Musk's favorite candidate for president is not elected."  And there's the obvious real agenda.Source.


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