September 10, 2024

Debate tonight--totally rigged, but no biggie cuz Cackles beez "unburdened by whut haz been!"

Tonight is the so-called "debate" between Cackles and Trump.  It's rigged, because one of the first rules Cackles' handlers insisted on was that neither party could ask the other questions about policies.

Of course Trump is totally fine with being asked about *his* policies.  The rule was imposed to keep him from asking Cackles questions about her polices.

So with the help of the Lying Mainstream Media, Cackles has achieved her constantly-repeated desire to be "unburdened by what has been."

Thanks to the Lying Mainstream Media, Cackles is *totally unburdened* by her past positions on *everything* because the Mainstream Media has carefully avoided telling you *anything at all* about her past sayings and policies--*all of which have been caught on video.*

Cackles--who is a totally dumb opportunist--believes that because she nevah committed anything to print, no one can prove she evah sed the things she actually said.  Izzat kool or whut??  "Unburdened by what has been," eh?

"NEVAH happened, citizens!"

As a result, *most* voters have no idea that this lying, raaacist, communist bitch wants to
* keep the Democrats' open-border/unlimited admission of illegals policy that's killing Americans;
* end drilling on federal land and waters (killing half of all U.S. oil production);
* supports "Medicare for all" (ahh, government running ALL health-care);
* wants to make it a non-crime to enter the U.S. illegally;
* wants to *confiscate guns*--carefully camouflaged as a "mandatory buy-back" to avoid alarming voters;
* supports forcing every state and city to release known criminals (example: caught on surveillance video killing someone) *without making 'em post a dollar of bail;*
* supports paying "reparations" to all blacks;
* supports taxing "unrealized capital gains";
* supports banning fracking (pumping sand and fluid into deep strata far below the deepest water well to produce oil and gas);
* supports ending all use of carbon-based fuel (the so-called "Green New Deal");
* supports forcing the military to pay for sex changes for trannies (taxpayer funding);
* supports forcing taxpayers to pay for sex-change operations for all *prison inmates* (yes, she actually said that!)
So thanks to the Lying Media refusing to tell you what Cackles has unequivocally, strongly supported in the past, she's now totally unburdened by her past positions on... everything.  That's quite a coup, eh?

Look at the ads you see on yo' tee-vee.  What do you see?  Virtually every ad shows mixed-race couples being "kool."  Dey always cool, eh?  Jus' like gay couples.  Dey all partyin' wif duh kool goofy beta male (man-bun) couple in a trendy, kool NYC apartment.  

See, dat kool, and ebrywun in Gen-[whatevah] see dat dey kool, so...duh kool kidz iz all on board wif' Cackles.  "She SO cool, bro!"

By sharp contrast, OrangeMan nevah cool!  He duh opposite of kool!  He beez all 'bout *rulz* an' shit.  "America first" an' stupid shit like dat!  He say he don' like all duh wunnerful "refugees" who wanna cum here!  How un-cool iz dat, eh?

He even say he wanna *deport* pipo he call "illegal aliens"!  Duh Democrat party an' CNN and MSNBC haz tol' us "no one is illegal!"  So Trump an' hiz trump-ettes beez dumb!  Un-cool!  Who would vote fo' an un-cool prezzy, eh?

See, kool kidz know dat "nations" are so last-century!  We kool kidz ain't citizens of "a nation," but instead are "citizens of duh world!"  We know stupid ideas like "nations" are now on "the ash-heap of history," eh?

(SAY, dat line iz SO cool, bro!  I think we need to copyright dat!  Wait...y'say some smaht guy already sed dat?  Wow, bummer!  Who sed dat?  If it wuz Jake Tapper or Chuck Todd or Jen Psaki maybe we kin license it or sumpin'!  Make bank!)

How much of this do you think is NOT real?

Bonus question:  Anyone know who popularized the phrase "the ash-heap of history"?



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