September 07, 2024

Harris regime is using your tax dollars to do sex-changes for federal prisoners in Texas

Every guud Democrat knows the mark of a truly "advanced" nation is that its rulers support
 * allowing males to use female locker rooms
 * ordering that any private business that fired a tranny could be sued by the government for "discrimination;"
 * performing gender mutilation on kids under 18
 * ordering the military to not only *accept* self-declared trannies but also to PAY for costly sex-change surgery for them--cuz we can't fall behind in the competition with adversaries on who has duh mos' tranny "soldiers," eh?
 * only promoting officers to general (or admiral) if they *totally* supported the tranny mafia;
 * ordering Medicare to pay for sex-change surgery for 75-year-olds;
 * ordering Medicaid to pay for sex-change surgery for younger Americans who can't afford the huge cost;
 * allowing male federal prison inmates to be housed in female prisons if they prefer;

All SOoo "advanced," eh?  "Sooo sophisticated!"  "SOoo Woke!"

But there was another "oppressed" group your Democrat rulers hadn't yet gifted with federal freebies.  And being huge pushers of sex-change operations, the harris/biden regime wanted to show their base how totally woke dey wuz.  

SOooo...didja hear the GREAT news, taxpayers?  Three years ago the harris regime started a program to have you pay for “gender reassignment surgery"--and lifetime hormone treatment--for inmates in federal prisons.  Isn't that SOooo woke?

That's according to public documents reviewed by The Dallas Express.

The Express says the program to give “gender reassignment surgery" to federal inmates "follows years of planning by the Biden administration."  And you're paying for it.

Ah, I hear some of my Democrat friends don't believe the "years of planning" phrase.  Really?  Way back in July of 2021 the harris/biden regime issued a $1.5 million contract to The Change Companies to develop a “gender reassignment surgery" program for federal inmates, according to Fox News.  Of course you never heard a word about that, cuz Media say "We knew you wouldn't care 'bout dat, citizen!    

Then six months later, in January 2022, the harris/biden regime announced it was reinstating a policy called the "Transgender Offender Manual" for fed prisons.  Does that sound innocent?  That was intentional.  But buried on page 274 is a paragraph that instructs federal officials in charge of prisons to allow inmates to be housed in the prison of their preferred sex.

That policy was started by the Obama regime but reasonably ended by Trump. Now the harris/biden regime has reinstated it, cuz...dey is SOooo totally pro-tranny!

The same spokespyrsyn for the fed prison system quickly reassures reporters that the Bureau of Prisons doesn't approve every request from tranny males to be transferred.  Instead, she assures us, "all requests are reviewed on an individual basis."

That is SO reassuring, citizen.

In December of 2022 the federal government paid for the first sex-change surgery for a federal inmate.  Well actually *you* paid for it, but since you never heard about it, who cares, eh?

Taxpayers paid Dr. Dany Hanna $84,078 to perform the operation.  His office did not respond to a request for comment.

The second taxpayer-funded sex-change surgery on an inmate came in March 2023, according to the American Civil Liberty Union (ALCU) Illinois. The ACLU had sued the harris/biden regime on behalf of the tranny inmate, and the regime cheerfully agreed to do as the ACLU demanded. 

Worse, the harris/biden regime appears to have awarded  the contract for this surgery without opening the contract to competitive bidding--because that would have publicized the issue.

Public records show that in March 2023 the Fed Bureau of Prisons justified a no-bid contract for $200,000 for "vaginoplasty and breast augmentation" for a federal inmate.

That contract--for "coordinating" the sex-change surgery--was awarded to a "healthcare company" called Wellpath.  The operation was done at Rush Hospital in Chicago.  Neither responded when asked if this contract is part of an ongoing partnership with the Bureau of Prisons for sex-change surgeries.

SO...between taxpayer money paid by Medicare, Medicaid, the armed forces and the Bureau of Prisons for inmates, how many millions are the harris/biden regime forcing you to pay for sex-change operations, eh?  But hey, it's SO woke!

At Tuesday's debate with Cackles, Trump should ask her if she supports taxpayer funds being used to pay for sex-change surgery for inmates.



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