September 18, 2024

Cuba cuts bread ration by 25%. Reuters blames "the U.S. embargo"

One of the many propaganda outlets claiming to be a "newz" service--Reuters--has pushed the wonders of communism for decades.  You'll read endless pieces from them bashing capitalism and freedom, but I've never seen a single piece critical of socialism--until today.


Cuba cuts size of daily bread ration as ingredients run thin
To set this up: Based on the official exchange rate, the average Cuban (i.e. not regime-connected) earns about $15 per month--just over 4,600 pesos.

For the math-phobic, that means a peso is worth about one-third of a penny.  But don't worry, citizen, cuz the brilliant, faaabulous socialist government subsidizes bread, so that "ordinary" (i.e. not regime-connected) citizens can buy it for almost nothing!  Isn't that faaabulous?  

Of course you have to have a "ration booklet" that only lets you buy a small "loaf" a week.  How small, you ask?  You must be a "counter-revolutionary," cuz that implies that you might be about to criticize the size of your subsidized bread, which no good communist would EVER do!

But since I'm not a resident of the Peoples' Republic of Cuba I can tell you: Until last week one of these "loaves" weighed 80 grams.  

Since "80" is a large number, American Democrats (who can't do math) think this is perfectly reasonable.  But it turns out 80 grams is not quite three ounces.

For those who don't shop much, a loaf of bread in the U.S. is somewhere between 16 and 24 ounces.

For those who don't do math (i.e. most Democrat voters) that means one of these faaaabulously generous subsidized "loaves" of bread is equivalent to about three slices of our bread.  But thanks to the government subsidy it's really cheap!

And now it's still cheap, but by DECREE of the faaabulous socialist Cuban government, the weight has been cut from 80 grams to 60 grams, or just over two ounces.  But thanks to the government subsidy it's cheap!  Unfortunately your government ration booklet will only allow you to buy two "loaves" a week.  But it's really cheap!

Now: why would pro-communist, anti-American Reuters put this article on their "newz wire," eh?

Because Reuters blames this on a "U.S. trade embargo" of Cuba.  After bleating that the Cuban government blames the U.S. "trade embargo," Reuters says

The Caribbean island nation is suffering from *extreme shortages of food,* fuel and medicine.

See that word "food," citizen?  The obvious inference is that food shortages in Cuba are caused by the "trade embargo" imposed by the U.S!  Democrats and the Media have constantly bleated that ALL of Cuba's problems are caused by U.S. "economic sanctions"--our government barring American companies from selling anything to Cuba [spoiler: that's utter horseshit].  

Here's what the communist rat-bastards who run Wikipedia claim in their top paragraph:

The U.S. embargo against Cuba has prevented U.S. businesses from conducting trade with Cuban interests since 1958.  U.S. economic sanctions against Cuba are comprehensive and impact all sectors of the Cuban economy. It is the most enduring trade embargo in modern history. 

Except if you read down far enough you find that the embargo doesn't apply to either food or medicine.  Wow, totally different picture, eh?  But the Wiki article goes on for 4,000 words in the same vein: "Cuban food shortages caused by the U.S."

So back to our story:  the notion that the reduction of the size of the subsidized bread in Cuba to a mere 2.1 ounces is due to a "U.S. embargo" is horseshit.  But communists can't admit that a communist paradise like Cuba could possibly be caused by communism or any of its policies, which is why the Reuters article explains that the REAL villain--causing the shortages--is by duh mean ol' U.S.

The socialist assholes at Reuters know very well that the U.S. embargo specifically exempts sales of food and medicine to Cuba, but they don't want to tell Americans that, for reasons that should be obvious.

Now, obviously you don't live in Cuba, so why should you care about this story, eh?

Because this is where Democrat policies are taking us--no question about it.  The Dems buy votes, by giving "free stuff" to voters--subsidizing drugs, medical care, monthly checks to able-bodied loafers, paying off student loans--you get it.  No country can sustain that for long, especially one that's already a massive $35.5 TRILLION in debt (which has been due to both parties).

It's costing the government (us) $1.2 TRILLION per year just paying the *interest* on our massive debt.  How much longer can this be sustained?

Source: Reuters


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