August 13, 2024

Veteran and former Dem congressperson! pisses off the regime, gets put on terror watch list

I love freedom.  If you're a Democrat you probably say you do too, and probably believe it.  But you eagerly, fawningly, submissively support a literally endless list of orders and rules dictated by your party's rulers that make one thing after another a crime.

If you're a gutsy 20-year-old whose parents are Democrats you can have some fun with 'em by asking 'em whether they support the Democrat policies I'll show you below.  Or if you're a conservative parent whose kids turned into leftist lunatics (i.e. Democrat voters) at college, you can ask them the same questions.  "Do you support [  ]?  If so, have you considered [    ]?


Consider Tulsi Gabbard: originally a Democrat, military veteran, excellent record.  Elected to congress in the Democrat shithole of Hawaii, so they approved of her then.

Gabbard flies a lot, and several weeks ago she noticed that all her printed boarding passes bore the letters "SSSS" in the lower right corner.  And every time she went through the shitty, useless, control-commanding TSA line she was pulled out and subjected to hour-long searches.

She also noticed she was being followed by a team of "air marshals" and assorted shit-head feds ("We jus' followin' totally legal orders, citizen!").

Democrats:  "Hahahahaha!  She jus' a paranoid right-wing 'domestic violent extremist!'"

Nice try, dumbshits.

There isn't a scintilla of evidence of any of that.  So why was she being singled out for extra-intrusive searches every time she flew?

Intimidation.  And why?  Did they regime claim she'd suddenly become a terrorist?  Nah. It was because Tulsi committed one of the many unforgivable sins (according to Democrats and leftists): she left the Democrat party.

The 4-letter "SSSS" designation was (possibly still is) a flag meaning "subject this person to an hour-long search of every item of clothing in their luggage.  If they miss their flight, tough shit."

(Of course now that Tulsi has told this story, within a few months the TSA will have changed the flag to something else, so no one will notice.  Cuz now dat someone haz revealed the code, duh dictatorial Dem regime gots ta change it to keep duh "dangerous threats to ouah precious democracy" from realizing the regime has tagged 'em, eh?)

Now let's analyze EVERY Democrat response to this outrage:

1. "Our beloved harris/biden/mayorkas regime, like, totally supports human rights (at least of trannies and communists), so dey would nevah doo dis unless dey had reeeally incriminating intel on her.  So she surely did something you don't know about that got her flagged!  Yep yep yep!  Or...

2. "Dis beez FAKE NEWZ!  I nevah heard of a person named 'Tulsi,' so dis story gotta bee one mo' right-wing conspiracy story!  Yep yep yep!"  Or...

3. "Dis prolly fake, but if dis reeeally happen, it wuz undoubtedly due to a 'computer glitch.'  Cuz ouah faaaabulous harris regime would nevah doo dis to intimidate a former congressman and veteran simply becuz dey left duh Dem plantation Party!  Cuz dat would be a serious violation of human rights!  An' my party don' doo dat!

Pick one, dumbshits.  Or tell us what you claim is the real reason.  Take your time.  

Of course the real reason is exactly what rational people instantly guessed: Take this same situation but suppose Tulsi is a Republican who switches to Democrat.  Would the regime do this?

Criticize the harris/mayorkas/garland regime and you get put on the "SSSS" list.

Anyone think Ilhan Omar ever has trouble boarding a commercial jet?

Democrat ruler: "Um...SHUT UP!"

Dem voter: "Dis hasn't happened to me, so why should I care?"

You people totally deserve what you're about to get. 



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