August 11, 2024

Two scams by foreigners: a little one, and one for a quarter of a BILLION dollars

People who run local PTAs are generally nice, trusting...and often way too gullible.

In Scottsdale, AZ, in April the PTA of a middle school appointed a woman named Nubia Gonzalez as treasurer.  On June 28 the PTA gave her control of the PTA's bank account.

On that very day Gonzalez began withdrawing cash from the account, and in just 3 days she'd stolen the entire $36,500 it originally contained.

On July 3rd the president of the middle school's PTA called police to report the PTA's savings account was zeroed out on July 2.

Police say numerous parents, school employees and police have tried to reach Gonzalez but her phone numbers are no longer in service.  More outrageous is that the address she gave to Scottsdale school district turns out to be fraudulent.

And ya wonder: how can the PTA people be so utterly stupid that no one even bothered to vet this thief before they gave her control of their money.

If this sort brazen ripoff--followed by fleeing across the border before their scammer can be arrested--outrages you, consider what happened in Minnesota under Cackles's VP pick, Timmy Walz:

Walz was elected governor in 2018.  The gargantuan fraud described below was first discovered in 2020--thus under his watch.

Under a program with the faaabulously warm fuzzy name "Feeding our Future"--run by the state's "Education Department" and said to "ensure access to healthy meals for low-income chirren"--Somali fraudsters (headed by one white woman) defrauded a state lunch program for po' kids for a mere $250 MILLION bucks.  

For the maff-phobic that's a quarter of a BILLION dollars.  Most of the Somalis involved immediately fled back home, where they'd already bought villas and fancy cars.

Wow, $250 MILLION bucks?  How the hell can scammers steal THAT much without some state employee detecting it, eh?

Nevermind, the answer is obvious.

Money for the program came from the U.S. Department of Agriculture--cuz doesn't every state get a quarter of a billion fo' free food?  The money was "administered" by the state, which gave it to supposedly nonprofit organizations "and other partners."  The defendants submitted invoices for meals never served, ran shell companies, laundered money, indulged in passport fraud and accepted kickbacks.  In other words, a typical Hunty biden company.

The story of this huge fraud first broke over a year ago.  You didn't hear a word about it the fact that Minnesota is ruled by Democrats had nuffin to do wif it.  Then just two months ago the first five defendants were convicted, in a federal trial--and you never heard anything about that either.  They were Abdiaziz Shafii Farah, Mohamed Jama Ismail, Abdimajid Mohamed Nur, Mukhtar Mohamed Shariff and Hayat Mohamed Nur.

Federal prosecutors said just a fraction of the money the defendants received through the scheme went to feed low-income kids.  Most was used by the the scammers to buy luxury cars, jewelry, travel and property.

And to show ya how much corruption is going on up there, the night before the case went to the jury someone left a bag containing $120,000 in CASH at the home of a juror in the case.  That's "jury tampering," and in most places that's another really serious crime.  And coming in a case of $250 million fraud, that's really a big deal--yet you never heard a word about that either.

According to an FBI agent’s affidavit, a woman rang the doorbell at the juror's home the night before the case went to the jury. A relative answered the door and was handed a gift bag with a curly ribbon and images of flowers and butterflies. The woman said it was a “present” for the juror.

The woman told the relative to tell the juror to vote not guilty the next day and there would be more of that present tomorrow, according to the FBI agent's affidavit.  But duh Fibbies say dey have no idea who the woman is.

The woman who left the bag knew the juror’s first name, the agent said. Names of the jurors have not been made public, but for some insane reason defense lawyers—and all the defendants--were given the names and addresses of all jurors.  

What kind of stupid third-world-shithole legal system does that??

Amusingly, the body of the AP story says of the $250 million scammers billed to the state and feds, only about $50 million has been recovered.  Yet the corrupt AP's headline touts it as a "$40 million food fraud."  

Huge difference, eh?  The U.S. DOJ bills it as a $250 million fraud scheme, so how does the AP reduce it to a "mere" $40 million, eh?  The AP doesn't explain, but it turns out the $40 million was just the amount stolen by the five defendants.  Other trials said to follow.

Sentencing is scheduled, we lost all that paperwork! 

Source 1: U.S. DOJ     Source 2: Associated Dem Press


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