August 11, 2024

Say, citizen, how are things in Europe, eh?

"Migrants" have killed Europe, with Germany, France and Sweden leading the way.  You almost certainly don't read the LOCAL European press, but if you did you'd see so-called "culture enrichers" murdering and raping locals every single day.

Tellingly, the national press (almost always owned by the State) never reports these murders and rapes, sniffing that they're of "local interest only."  They do this to protect the ruling politicians, just as they do here in the U.S.

But it gets worse:  Destroyers embedded in government ministries (like our Deep State) are flying schizophrenic killers into their nations, at taxpayer expense.  Latest example:

In 2021 some dipshit bureaucrat in a German ministry decided to offer a Somali culture-enricher--Mursal Mohamed Seid--a free flight to Germany, with a guarantee of being admitted.  It was part of a program by the ruling partei called “Resettlement of Asylum Seekers.”  

You may be surprised to learn that the harris/biden regime has exactly the same type of program here.  They've flown over 300,000 illegals into U.S. cities far from the border, with no tracking of any sort.

So...after the 22-year-old Somali arrived in Germany, with all his expenses being paid by taxpayers, he began committing a series of crimes:  intentional bodily harm, robbery, theft.  In February 2021 a court "sentenced him" for these crimes: no sentence at all.  Of course the courts called it a two-year sentence so they could look like they were "tough on crime," but the whole sentence was "suspended"--no prison time at all--just as Alvin Bragg, George Gascon, Larry Krasner, Kim Foxx and all the other corrupt liberal shitheads do here.  

Of course the wokie German judges never even thought about sending this POS back to his Somali shithole.  Quite the opposite:  "The government"--whoever you think that really is--now ordered that his "reintegration into German society" be made as easy as possible, by giving him free everything.

While the Somali was free (suspended sentence), he murdered his roommate in a homeless shelter, stabbing the 52-year-old victim 111 times before beheading him.

"All cultures are equal," sayeth liberals.

At trial psychiatrists said the guy wasn't responsible cuz...crazy, so the judge ordered him confined to a loony bin.  Then in a classic case of liberal stupidity, last week the pencil-dicks running that facility allowed him to go out to a movie.  "Supervised," of course.  Cuz..."He a guuud boy!  Not dangerous!"  

And whoops! — he escaped.

Thankfully he was caught before he decided to behead anyone else.

The state minister for bullshit promised to investigate why this crazy killer had been allowed to leave the supposedly-secure facility, but the question that should be asked is Who approved this nut-case being flown to Germany in the first place--with a guarantee of being admitted to the country?

Of course we all know the answer.

Afterword from the translator:

What we’re seeing here should be called "applied tyranny:"  "The government"--whoever you think that really is--does whatever it wants, with no accountability or responsibility.
    A friend said this guy was the son of a wealthy Somali family, and was not only schizophrenic but also an alcoholic and drug-abuser.  If true it's no surprise that his wealthy family would want to send him to Germany for free medical care.

So among the questions that should be asked (but won't be) the biggest is, who in the German gruberment ordered that this murderous nutter be flown to Germany, at taxpayer expense, with a guaranteed entry?  And why? 

If you haven't been paying attention, the Harris regime has been doing this in the U.S. for over three years.  The regime claims they vet invaders, but that's a lie:  No one is vetted or psych tested, because we have no idea who they actually are:  They ditch any passports or identifying papers before they enter.  And with 11 MILLION pouring across in just three years, there's not enough time even if the regime wanted to.  (Spoiler: they don't want to vet ANYONE.  And you know exactly why.)

    In his 2012 book “SchwarzRotGold”, Udo Ulfkotte quoted a UN study that found one in three Somalians were mentally ill.  But if you search today you won’t find a trace of that study:  Google and allies have purged the Internet of these inconvenient truths.

By all means, keep voting Democrat.  Cuz dat Kamala Harris pyrsyn beez reeeeeally tough on duh illegal immigration, eh?  She gots "A Plan"!   Yep yep yep.  And of course half the country will vote for this lying POS--in which case they richly deserve what they'll get.  Just like Europe.



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