August 13, 2024

"Republicans for Harris" is a fake "astro-turf" group organized by...the harris campaign

In war and politics, it's a real coup if members of one side or party publicly form a group saying they support the other side, eh?  The idea--obviously--is to shows people that some who claim to be on their side really support the enemy.  And sure enough, a brand-new group has appeared calling itself "Republicans for Harris."

Let's take a look at this new "organization."

The governor of Maine is a dictatorial Democrat (redundancy alert) named Janet Mills.  Her brother Peter Mills is the former executive director of the Maine Turnpike Authority--a cushy, appointed job.  And this week we learned that Peter Mills--a registered Democrat--announced he'd joined “Republicans for Harris.”

Wait...Peter Mills--a registered Democrat and the brother of the Democrat governor--now claims he's a "Republican for Harris"?  I smell a rat--a big rat in a pants-suit.  

Say, you don't suppose the entire group that claims to be Republicans for the ghastly, utterly fake harris and her lying sidekick is fake, do ya?

And sure enough, in a secretly recorded audio obtained by a Maine citizen, Peter Mills admits that the group is a fake, organized by Amy Cookson, a staffer for Cackles’s campaign.

In the recorded audio, Mills--again a registered Democrat who's the brother of the state's Democrat governor--explains to a man posing as someone wanting to join the astroturf group that it’s being run by Cookson.  Mills urges the man to contact Cookson and gives him an email address ending in ""

“I think she’s a paid worker,” says Mills. “I think her job here is to find– she’s looking– she has an organization called Republicans for Harris.  I think it’s a national structure that’s being organized by, obviously, by the Harris campaign.”

Everything about the harris/walz campaign is fake.  Both are lying communist rat-bastards.  And the Lying Mainstream Media just laugh and cover for 'em.  Every time.



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