August 11, 2024

Determined parents of a murdered girl show Dem superstar Josh Shapiro to be corrupt

On January 26, 2011, 27-year-old Ellen Greenberg was found stabbed to death in her Philadelphia apartment.

The victim--a first-grade teacher friends said had a 'megawatt smile'--had been stabbed 20 times.  

Ten of those 20 stab wounds were to her neck and the back of her head.

Assistant Philadelphia Medical Examiner Marlon Osbourne initially ruled her death a homicide--but then inexplicably changed that ruling to suicide after meeting with police and prosecutors.

For Democrats: Leaving aside the obvious implausibility of stabbing yourself 20 times, how does someone stab herself in the back of her own head--let alone ten times?

Also, her body was found sitting, propped up against a kitchen cabinet.  Yet photos of the crime scene show a blood track running horizontally from her nose toward her ear, suggesting she was flat on her back when she died but was put in the sitting position after death.

For Democrats: That means someone else propped her up.  And her fiance never said he did that.  In fact after the initial day no one has questioned him at all.

One knife was still plunged in Ellen's chest, but cops never had that weapon checked for fingerprints.  Cops didn't bother to video the scene.  And they didn't use luminol to look for signs of cleaned-up blood.

Cops quickly gave the apartment manager permission to have the apartment professionally cleaned.  The manager took video before having it cleaned, and since the cops hadn't, they requested he turn over that video to them.  Now they conveniently claim they've lost it.

Since the medical examiner corruptly or incompetently changed his ruling to suicide, the cops never needed to look for a suspect, like her lying fiance.  Neat, eh?

In 2019 Ellen's parents sued the medical examiner's office, but last September (2023) the Commonwealth Court ruled they lacked standing.  So you're a parent who's child had been brutally murdered, the corrupt examiner says "suicide," and a corrupt judge rules you lack standing?  In that case no one has standing to sue for corruption.  This is the state of "law" in the U.S. today.

So...anyone know who Pennsylvania's Attorney General was back in 2011?

Mainstream Media: "We have no records from such a long time ago.  It was before the internet existed."

The state's Attorney-General in 2011 went on to become the current governor--the newest darling of the Media, the faaabulous Josh Shapiro.  

Wait, it gets better: After the parents sued in 2019, only to be rejected by a corrupt judge on the utterly bullshit grounds of "lack of standing," the parents appealed to the state's supreme court.

And for some unexplained reason, in 2022 Shapiro doubled down on the outrageously absurd suicide ruling and blocked an attempt by Ellen's family to have the case reopened.

So Shapiro found nothing at all suspicious about a woman stabbing herself 20 times, with ten of those in the back of the head and neck, some blows requiring huge force?  

(For Democrats: take a blunt object like a foot-long ruler and hold it behind your head. How far away from your head you can get the end of the ruler that's not in your hand?  Maybe a inch.  Now try poking yourself with it.  How much force can you get?  Very little.  Try it.)

And if none of that convinces you, consider this: her body was found with a knife plunged into her chest.  All the wounds were apparently inflicted by the same knife, the one found plunged into her heart by cops.  

Now this next part is subtle, so Democrats will have to really focus here:  If there's only one knife, then for Ellen to have killed herself that would have had to be the last blow, eh?  (See?  Subtle.)  That means after being stabbed so hard in the back of her neck that it cut her spinal cord, she would have had to pull the knife out and plunge it 8 inches into her heart?  No.  Not even remotely plausible.

In 2019 Ellen's parents appealed, and in October 2021 a judge in Philly ruled that the family’s suit could proceed to trial.  Ooohhh, can't have THAT, eh?

The utterly corrupt city then appealed that ruling to the state ("Commonwealth") courts, arguing that by law, a medical examiner’s opinion on cause of death cannot be challenged, and that even if the findings are shown to be wrong, the f'n LAW says medical examiners cannot be compelled to change the cause of death from suicide to murder.

In the Commonwealth Court’s 2-1 decision in September, judges wrote they had “no choice under the law” but to grant the city's appeal because the Greenbergs didn’t have standing to seek a revision in their daughter’s manner of death.

Wait...I though y'all just bleated that the LAW does NOT allow a medical examiner's known false cause of death to be changed, eh?  But now it's "lack of standing"?  I think you're lying, scrambling for an excuse to NOT allow this to be re-opened, and you know it.

In December of 2021, as the public learned more about the bizarre ruling of suicide, Shapiro's office issued this statement:

"Ellen's death is a tragedy...unimaginable and admittedly hard to accept.  But *all the evidence thoroughly reviewed by our office, and the findings of the medical examiner show this was a suicide.*
   Our office has stated that if and when new evidence was brought forward, we would thoroughly review it. Only the medical examiner has the ability to change the cause of death."

Ellen's parents appealed this bullshit to the state's supreme court, on the grounds that as her parents they most certainly did have "standing" and that the verdict of suicide wasn't remotely plausible.
In 2022 Shapiro's office announced he had reviewed the case and supported the *ruling* that Ellen had stabbed herself 19 times--ten times in her back--before plunging the knife 8 inches into her own heart.  Yeah.  He didn't exactly say that last part because he hadn't thought it through yet.  He's had time now, though.  Has he reversed himself?   Hahahahahaha!  I see you just arrived on the planet!

Josh, you're a lying son of a whore.  And you know it.  Lots of corrupt pols lie, but why you lie so brazenly and badly, asshole?  Did they pay you THAT much?  Is it worth it?

Then in July of the same year (2022) Shapiro recused himself from the case, but without offering a meaningful explanation.  In a written statement "his office" said:

While the Office of Attorney General does not have an actual conflict in this matter, circumstances beyond our control have created the appearance of a conflict and our involvement is no longer serving one of the primary purposes of the District Attorney’s original conflict referral.

What?  This sounds like one of Cackles's word salads.  "Original conflict referral"?

The conflict seems to be that someone reported--correctly--that her fiance's wealthy, powerful, connected family had donated to Shapiro's campaign.  But instead of just saying that, he dodges.

And hey, sport: your recusal is about a decade late, eh?  You let this obvious horseshit go on for years without a single critical word.  If you knew you had a conflict of interest, the time to recuse your corrupt ass was 2011.  But of course you didn't.

And as you already guessed, not a single reporter was curious enough to ask "what is the source of the 'appearance of a conflict,' and is that due to you or to someone else in your office who reviewed the ruling of suicide?"

One investigator claims a lawyer present at the meeting between the medical examiner who changed his ruling and cops and prosecutors has been given immunity to testify in the case.  That's usually only done when a judge has been shown evidence of a likely crime.

Finally last week, 13 years after Ellen's murder, the state's supreme court agreed to hear arguments from Ellen's parents trying to gain legal standing to challenge the suicide ruling.

Watch for all traces of this case to be scrubbed from the net.  Cuz Josh has already been annointed as the next Democrat wunderkind for 2028.

Now: Pennsylvania is one of the five most corrupt states in the nation, with the biggest cesspool being Philly, where Ellen was killed.    Corruption has been the norm in Philly for decades.  

The huge ferocity of Ellen's murder--like O.J. Simpson's murder of his wife--suggests it wasn't a mob hit, as if she'd stumbled on a mob murder or drug deal, but far more likely a jealous, angry lover.  And the extremely high-pressure coverup suggests the killer was well connected.  So here we go:

Ellen was living with her fiance, Samuel Goldberg.  Sam said on the afternoon in question he'd gone down to the gym and returned to find the door locked, he said from the inside.  After 30 or 40 minutes of texting her, he broke in and found her body.  

He called 911.  After a minute or so of questions he's said there's blood everywhere but hasn't mentioned a knife in her chest.  The operator asks if he knows how to perform CPR.  He says he doesn't, and the operator starts to tell him how.  Only at that point does he say "Oh wow, there's a knife in her chest!"

He adds "She fell on the knife!"

Within six months of Ellen's death Goldberg was living in the same apartment with his his now-wife.

I suspect if you'd been living with someone you loved, and came home to find her propped up against a cabinet with 20 stab wounds and a knife in her chest, most normal people would never want to live in that place for another day.  Yet Ellen's former fiance guy is living there.  Hardly proof that he killed her, but it sure as hell pegs my weird-meter.

Here's another HUGE contradiction:  During the meeting between the cops, prosecutors and the medical examiner, police claimed a doorman from the complex was with Goldberg when he broke down the door--supposedly locked from the inside--to enter the apartment.  

It's not clear when Goldberg told the cops about the doorman.  But the doorman, Phil Hanton, submitted a signed statement saying he did NOT go to the apartment with Goldberg and had never left his post, since he was the only one on duty.

And wow, surveillance cameras in the complex showed Hanton did not go upstairs with Goldberg.

This is crucial because if the doorman didn't go to the apartment with Goldberg, Goldberg not only lied (totally discrediting his story and incriminating him) but now all we have is his word that he had to break into the apartment.

This is critical because the medical examiner said police reports--solely from Goldberg's statements--that the doorman was present when Goldberg broke into the apartment convinced the examiner that the door was locked *from the inside.*

The examiner says the police statement that the door was locked *from the inside* (apparently by a safety latch, like the ones in hotels and motels) convinced the examiner to change the cause of death, reasoning that if the victim was alone in a locked apartment, her death must have been suicide.

To re-state: The examiner first said "homicide" but was persuaded to change the cause of death to suicide due to a police report that was confirmed by the doorman's statement to be false.  Hmmm....

In 2011 the totally implausible, outrageous "suicide" ruling ended all investigation--which anyone familiar with the legal system would know.  We'll probably never know who wanted her dead, because the coverup was perfect.

Now: One more innocent girl killed by a thug boyfriend is like a day ending in Y:  I feel great sorrow for her and her parents, but that does nothing.  What we CAN do--what we ALL can do, if we decide to--is to flush out the corrupt thugs, and see that they're tried and executed.  On television.

Do that a couple of dozen times and you'll be amazed how quickly corruption will drop.  Then give the other thousands of corruptocrats 30 days to confess to all their crimes and turn in the thugs above them, in return for a light sentence instead of death, and you'll *really* be amazed.

Hahahaha!  Just kidding!  I know y'all are far too nice to evah doodat to the bastards who so richly deserve it.  So we'll stumble along toward the cliff.  And your children will learn to speak Chinese.  And everyone will live with a reasonably good "social credit score" evah after.

Source 1

Source 2 

Source 3, the most interesting cuz commenters are locals who have the inside story on who's lying and why


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