August 09, 2024

World's 6th-largest oil company will leave California; Media yawns, LA Times sneers "dinosaur"

Unless you're a political junkie you have no idea what's really happening.  If you knew what was really happening you'd be really worried.  So the Mainstream Media is careful that you NOT learn what's really going on since if you did, you'd be way less likely to vote for the regime that's been running things for 3.7 years.

My job is to tell you what's happening, but without the lies and spin of the Dem-fellating media.  So...the latest:

On Friday Chevron Corporation announced it's joined the long line of companies leaving California.  It's moving to Houston.

The cutesy leftists at the Los Angeles Times laughed at the move, joking that Chevron was "perhaps one of the last dinosaurs to slip into the tar pit, a symbol of California's monumental transition from a manufacturing and production state to...," what?  A major headquarters for drug cartels and carjackers?

The oil giant--one of the six largest oil companies in the world, and the second largest in the U.S.--was founded in California 145 years ago, at the beginning of an era when the state became one of the world's leading oil producers.  At its peak, California produced one-fifth of all the oil produced in the world.

But like all oil fields, production from existing wells drops every year.  It peaked in the mid-1980s and is now barely one-fourth of its peak.  It's now about 2% of total U.S. production.

[Here the leftists at the Times put in the mandatory plug for the wonders of electric vehicle industry and how we jus' haz'ta stop using nasty oil and gasoline, cuz dat beez killin' duh Erf!]

The Times then finds a female history professor "who has chronicled the profound impact of oil production on people's health."  She suggests that the real reason Chevron is leaving California is "to get away from regulatory scrutiny."

She bleats “It’s unfortunate that corporations will relocate to places that have fewer environmental regulations, rather than working in ways that lead to healthy, diverse, equitable, vibrant communities.”

"Unfortunate"?  C'mon, leftist: you know you and your leftist friends are *delighted* that nasty ol' corporations are leaving your lovely, vibrant, diverse, equitable state.  You've been bitching about 'em for decades.  You don't need the jobs they provide, or the tax revenue you spend on brilliant high-tech things like "high-speed rail" ($100 billion over budget, to whisk oil-hating leftist pipo from Merced to Bakersfield).

At one point Chevron had 50,000 employees, most of 'em in California.  But the Democrats who totally run that state made it clear they didn't like or want refineries or energy companies in California.

And it's not just energy companies: Recently Elon Musk said he's moving SpaceX and X from California to Texas.  Over the last decade scores of other major companies have fled the state due to its high taxes and insane laws and "rules."  And as the Times coyly puts it, "and other policies that they see as not supportive of business."

What do ya suppose the Times was coyly smirking about?  Ah: Last fall California’s corrupt attorney general sued Chevron and several other big oil companies for billions, alleging that their production and refining operations have caused billions of dollars in damage and that they deceived the public about "the risks of fossil fuels in global warming."

Governor Hairdoo's office downplayed the significance of Chevron’s relocation, saying it means nothing, and that the future belongs to clean, "green" energy, which it said already employs six times more pipo den duh nasty oil business.

A spokesman for the governor’s office said “We’re proud that California is the leading creator of clean energy jobs—a critical part of our diverse, vibrant, equitable economy.” don't live in Cali, so why do I think this is worth bringing to your attention, eh?

Because the growing exodus of major employers and producers from California will kill the state's economy.  That will cause a great deal of misery to hard-working residents who will be put out of work, and I'm truly sympathetic to those hard-working people.

Unfortunately the people who NEED to be hurt won't be:  the Democrat pols who eagerly voted for the policies that are destroying their state.  They're wealthy enough that they're beyond reach of most national disasters.  But they really need to be hurt--badly, visibly--because it's the only way to teach other stupid dictators NOT to push the Dems policies.

But again, those responsible will never be hurt by the utterly predictable consequences of the policies they rammed down everyone's throats.  One only hopes that 30 years from now their children will eventually compare their lives to their corrupt parents and realize whose fault this was.

Let me explain: California is like the federal government, spending way more than it takes in every year.  On the federal level both parties are equally responsible, but in California it's all on the Democrats, who have ruled the state for the better part of 50 years.  They have a "veto-proof majority" in both chambers of the legislature.  

And they absolutely refuse to cut spending, because showing "freebies" on voters buys votes for 'em.  So the only remaining choice is to raise taxes--which they do.  And two years later the state once again has truly massive annual deficits.

Now take 20 big companies out of the state.  What's the result?

Instant loss of a billion or two in tax revenue.  But that's just the beginning: loss of high-paying jobs reduces the state's take in income tax.  Move 100,000 employees making $100,000 a year out of Cali and the state loses $640 million per year.

And it gets worse: those re-located employees remove six times that much in spending in their cities--which reduces income for the businesses they patronized, which reduces state taxes further.  Ripple effect

Some fatal problems are like slow-growing cancers, taking a long time before they're identified.  And since the average voter has an attention span of maybe three weeks (that's probably too generous), voters won't make the connection that a huge increase in the state's deficit was made worse by the exodus of many businesses, which in turn was due to outrageous anti-business policies, including failing to prosecute the daily smash-and-grab thefts plaguing retailers.  

And of course the Mainstream Media will totally ignore the connection since explaining the reasons hurts the Democrat party that pushed all those ghastly policies.

SOoo...say goodbye to another 50,000 high-paying jobs, Democrats.  "Dis don' mean nuffin'!  We don' need nasty ol' oil companies!  We kin run ev'ryt'ing on unicorn farts an' dat faaabulous wind power!"

You people are so dumb I'm surprised you can remember to breathe.

Source: L.A. Times, pasted by Yahoo


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