August 13, 2024

Trump proposes ending tax on tips, Media sneers; Two months later, cackles does the same...

...and this time the Media swooned!  "Dis beez duh bestest idea EVAH," they bleated!

A couple of months ago president Trump proposed to end waiters and waitresses being forced to pay income tax on their tips.  So did CBS and the other Lying Mainstream Media outlets think this was a great or fair idea?  

Hahahahaha!  As you can see below on the left, not only did the asshole sons of whores at CBS not have a single positive thing to say about this, they sneered that the government would lose $250 BILLION over ten years if that proposal was adopted.

But then about five days ago the faaaabulous Cackles made exactly the same proposal, word for word.  So what did CBS have to say about the same exact proposal now that it was being pushed by the worthless, lying socialist/marxist who the media is now slobbering over?  First they never mentioned that Trump had proposed exactly the same thing two months ago.  Wow.  And instead of sneering at the cost, the whores at CBS couched Cackles's theft as "she'll fight to end taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers."  Ahhh yes, Cackles will fight for YOU, citizen. 

The hypocrisy is breathtaking--except no Mainstream Media outlet points out the huge difference in the way they reacted to the same proposal from Trump and from their darling Cackles.

Whatever the Media bleats or writes, believe the opposite.  The Mainstream Media is your enemy.


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