August 25, 2024

Newsom is asked about dumping biden: "It was a very open, bottom-up process." Everyone laughs

In the U.K. there was an uplifting saying "God Save the Queen" (or king).  In the U.S. that became "God save America."

Of course with the continuing war by the "elites" and judges to ban all mention of God in the public square, you don't hear that today.  So four too, TOO-precious former Obozo aides got cute and started a podcast called "Pod Save America."  Cute, eh?

The hosts are four former Obama aides--Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Dan Pfeiffer and Tommy Vietor--and you have to see these precious betas to understand where they want this country to go.  All the stereotypes are on the nose with these bois.

So...on day 3 of the faaaabulous DNC convention the four invited California's governor Hairdoo--Gavin Newsom--for a totally friendly interview.

The hosts asked him about the Party's fast, seamless, no-vote switch that dumped Biden and named Cackles as the party's nominee.  He first said "the party went through a very open process,” but neither Newsom nor the betas could keep a straight face because the claim was such utter horseshit.  

They all laughed heartily--including Hairdoo--who then added "It was bottom-up.  That's what I've been told to say,” as the group continued to laugh about the fast, no-vote switch in the nominee.

Newsom then claimed the Democratic Party is “unified” behind Harris as the nominee.  Cuz even Dem voters who are miffed that Pelosi forced biden to renounce the nomination and to endorse the equally ghastly Cackles, to give the partei a far better chance of winning in November (or "winning," if you get the difference) will vote for Cackles anyway.

After Porridgebrain announced that he was renouncing the nomination and endorsing Harris as the nominee, if the leaders of The Party had been confident of "unity" they would have allowed the 3,900-odd delegates to vote for the wonderful new nominee, eh?  But they didn't.

Instead the party simple DECREED that Harris was their nominee.  No vote taken, no procedure for this.  It was "We haff decided, und iff yew don't like it yew shall shut the fuck up."  See?  Dat beez "democracy," citizen!

Even the New York Times published an opinion piece calling it a "coup."

Democracy in action, folks--just like majority-Dem courts in blue states DECREEING that Trump could not appear on their state's ballots.  Ohh, but it wuz for a faaabulous reason.

Meanwhile the Democrat party sued to keep RFK jr off the ballot, along with the other leftist fringe candidates like Cornel West and Jill Stein, because they knew if those candidates were on the ballot they'd draw votes away from the Dem nominee.

Democracy, citizen!

I don't see how we can survive this much longer.



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