August 22, 2024

Regime lackeys caught overstating number of jobs created--by 818,000 in one year! Media ignores

Hey citizen!  Did ya hear duh newz?  Nah, you probably didn't, cuz yew were too busy slobbering over duh faaaabulous bill clinton and oprah fawning over how faaabulous Cackles and her pedo sidekick are, eh?

Oh, did that sound harsh?  Care to review the media coverage?  Nah, you don't.

Anyway, to the newz: The harris/biden regime has been reporting "huge numbers of jobs being created every month."  That's horseshit.  Eleven months out of 12, the number of jobs *officially reported by the BLS" has been below the number historically required to keep unemployment steady.
   And then the *next* month--after the regime has been fawned over for the "faaabulous" job numbers, those figures are revised--always downward under the harris regime. (Under Trump they were always revised upward.)  The revisions never got any headlines, cuz...reasons.
   Now: the Federal Reserve is NOT a government agency, so they can be (if they wish) honest about the state of the economy, since the harris regime can't fire 'em.  And a few weeks ago the Fed reported that their job numbers weren't matching the official bullshit from the regime's BLS.
   That spurred the BLS to finally admit their numbers were overstated--by a LOT, exceeding the real number by 818,000 jobs in the year ending this past March.
   But why should you care about this, eh?  Because it proves *yet again* that the Deep State lackeys who run the country constantly lie to us--and always to make Democrat presidents (and VPs soon to BE president) look better, while making the GOP and its presidents look worse.
   If you're a student of history you may have noticed that the communists ruling the Soviet Union did exactly the same thing: lie to the people to make the regime look good.  Shocker,  eh?

So here's how ABC "World Newz Tonight" "covered" this story on 8/21/24 at 6:47 PM:  ("Covered" is in quotes because ABC did precisely the opposite.  And they were the *only* broadcast net to say a word about the story.)

>>"Now to the economy: Newly revised jobs data show the jobs market hasn't been as hot as it seemed. 818,000 fewer jobs were added during the 12 months that ended in March than previously reported.
   This puts more pressure on the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates, potentially by half a percentage point next month which could, of course, lower car loans, mortgages, and credit card rates.>>

<<Those two paragraphs lasted just 19 seconds--and only the first one mentioned the fake jobs data, so really just nine seconds--for a scandal that made the utterly incompetent harris/biden disaster look better.
  Imagine how the Mainstream Media would have howled with outrage! if this had happened when Trump was president.  It would have been the top story for days.

Amazingly, even the Democrat-fellating Associated Press allowed a sliver of truth to get past its editors:
>>The downgraded [job-creation] estimate follows a jobs report for July that was *much worse than expected*...employers added just 114,000 jobs. The unemployment rate rose for the fourth straight month, to a *still-low* 4.3%.>>
Note the pro-regime propaganda: unemployment is approvingly described as "still low."

My liberal friends and siblings sneer.  "Why do you write things like this?  Dis not true!  Dis 'fake newz!'"  Really?  The why did the utterly corrupt BLS *confirm* the fake jobs numbers, eh?  Got an explanation for that, sparky?

In a way I don't blame y'all.  Like people on the Titanic or a doomed jetliner, you can't be blamed for denying the evidence you're seeing.  You don't wanna know what's coming.  I get it.

So why do I bother?  You don't know--and don't wanna know.  Doesn't bother me a bit--I'd report the truth in any case.  Just hope you live long enough to see your children curse your names for being so astonishing stupid that you believed anything the lying regime and its Media lackeys bleated at you.

When new information threatens to up-end someone's worldview, a smart person says "Explain that to me."  Lackeys and apparatchiks put their fingers in their ears: "Dis can't be true!  Dis fake newz!"  

Which of those describes you?



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