August 20, 2024

biden/garland regime asks U.S. supreme court to bar Arizona law requiring voters prove citizenship

Two years ago Arizona passed a law requiring anyone registering to vote in that state prove they were U.S. citizens.  But Democrats are experts at refusing to comply with laws they don't like.

Because requiring proof of U.S. citizenship would make it harder for non-citizens to vote--depriving Democrats of tens of thousands of votes--the state's Democrat attorney-general and Democrat Secretary of State wailed that to the courts NOT that the new law was unconstitutional, but merely that allowing it to take effect before the November election would be...wait for it..."destabilizing."

And predictably, the notoriously leftist 9th Circuit Court of Appeals agreed.  The Arizona GOP then filed an emergency application with the U.S. Supreme Court to allow the totally reasonable law--passed two whole years ago!--to take effect.

The biden/harris/garland regime then used federal assets to oppose the GOP's emergency application to allow the law to take effect.

Notice the huge power disparity here: The state GOP can only use private money to file this emergency application--to allow a law passed two damn years ago to take effect, whereas the Democrats use taxpayer dollars (i.e. unlimited) to pay for both the state's and harris regime's legal actions opposing the emergency application.

Arizona's Democrat attorney-general and the state's Democrat Secretary of State have filed their own motions asking the court to deny the GOP's emergency application.  See, total Democrat deal to keep enabling non-citizens to vote.

Sadly, the Supreme Court justice responsible for handling emergency stay applications from western states is Elena Kagen--a hard leftist and strong opponent of any measure that would help make elections honest.  According to SCOTUS-blog Kagan can grant or deny the application on her own, or could refer it to the full court.

Anyone wanna take bets?  And the Dems almost certainly win yet again.  Democrats know how to get around any law they don't like.  But if *you* break one--as by walking through an open door to the U.S. capitol--they fined one grandmother over $103,000.  For a misdemeanor!

Welcome to Dem-ruled America, citizen.



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