August 23, 2024

"14-year-old girl murdered;" Media usually ignores, this time widely picked up, AND pic of killer

The Lying Mainstream Media is very good at refusing to tell you about some murders--ones they don't want you to hear about.  

For example, if an illegal murders a 20-year-old waitress (instead of a more sympathetic nursing student at a big university, which they can't hide), the only Media to cover that murder will be the local paper and TV stations, since if they don't, they look corrupt (spoiler:)  And they never run a pic or mention that the killer is an illegal alien allowed in by the Democrat regime, since that costs the Dems votes.

Same story if the killer is black: no coverage outside the local area, and no mention of race of the killer.  The Media does NOT want people to know the true numbers, the extent of the carnage of black-on-white-female murder.

So with those two de-facto rules as background: what could possibly cause Mainstream Media outlets all over the country to run a story about a murder of a teenager in Pennsylvania, by a male found on a hookup app...AND to run a pic of the black killer?  It's unheard of.

So first let's introduce you to the killer: 29-year-old DaShawn Watkins. 

DaShawn dismembered the 14-year-old victim, but as gruesome as that is, even that normally wouldn't get the national Mainstream alphabet networks (or as Rush put it, "State-owned media") to cover it, let alone to publish a photo of the killer.

Can you guess why this particular murder was featured on LOTS of markets a thousand miles away from the scene of the crime?  Sure ya can:  the victim was a tranny, which overrides all the usual rules.

Now: This is not an anti-trans story.  I have as much sympathy for this family as for any other who lost a child.  My point in posting this was that as everyone with a functioning brain should know by now, the Media has an agenda, and a hierarchy of favored groups.  Usually the murder of an average girl doesn't get covered outside the broadcast radius of the local TV station, and inside the coverage area the stories don't show pics of perps if they're either illegal aliens or black.  But in this case both rules were ignored--because for Media, the tranny agenda overrides everything.  (CNN)


Raleigh, N.C


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