August 24, 2024

Australian senate *votes down* a bill that would have required abortionists to provide aid to a baby who survived an attempted abortion

Australia used to be a thoroughly decent nation.  Yet four days ago we read this news from Australia:

On August 20 senator Ralph Babet addressed his colleagues on the floor of that chamber, telling them that at least one baby per week survives an attempted abortion, is born alive, but left to die.  He noted that this is the official policy of Australia’s government-run healthcare system.

He urged his colleagues to pass an "urgency motion" requiring that when a baby survived an attempted abortion, the abortionists would be required to render " appropriate care."

The senate voted against the motion, 32-18.

The Left wants this, so that’s the way it will stay.  Cuz dey controlz duh senate, jus' like the Dems do here in the U.S.

But of course here we're way more civilized, eh?  Here we have a law requiring doctors to provide care to any baby surviving an attempted abortion, right?  Cuz we are civilized, sparky!  Democrats have ordered us--since we're so civilized--to provide all medical care for illegal aliens, so they'd absolutely have to provide medical care for a baby who survived and attempted abortion, right?

So last year, here in the USA, the GOP House passed the "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act," 220 to 210.  That bill would make it illegal for a "health care practitioner" to fail to "exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an attempted abortion.”

All but two Democrats voted against the bill, but because of the GOP majority it passed.

And in the senate, two Democrat senators up for re-election voted for the bill, allowing it to pass.

Wait, just kidding.  Democrat senate majority leader Chuckie Schemer refused to bring the bill to the floor for a vote.  He has the votes to vote it down--and even in a tie Cackles would cast the tiebreaking vote against it.  But he refuses to bring it to a floor vote because he doesn't want to force vulnerable senators in his party to vote against it, which might cost them their precious seat--and swing the senate to majority-GOP.

So the U.S. senate is operating exactly like Australia's leftists.  This is the way the Democrats want things, so it's the way things will stay--unless voters finally realize what the Democrats are really doing.

What's next?  Withholding medical care from elderly adults?  Count on it.  Democrat politicians already bleat that there are too many people on the planet.  Of course they don't mean withholding medical care from themselves or their families.  Perish the thought!  Just from you.


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