August 25, 2024

In the shithole of Seattle, another innocent grandmother murdered by a thug who wanted her car

In the Democrat-ruled shithole of Seattle last week, a thug with a long history of violence killed a beloved 80-year-old woman who walked peoples' dogs to fund her Christian ministry.

Of course this never made the network "newz" cuz dey don' want yew to know about outrages like this.  And the liberal Dem shitheads at the Seattle Times ran a piece that *totally ignored* the heinous nature of the murder and the killer's long record, for the same reason: cover it all up.  The Democrats who run the shithole don't want you to know.

But a "stringer" for the hugely pro Democrat Associated Press uploaded the story, and somehow the AP's managers allowed it on their "wire."  The story:

Jahmed Kamal Haynes, 48, carjacked a beloved 80-year-old Seattle grandmother.  In stealing her car he pushed her out the door and ran over her, killing her.  He also killed her dog. 

Haynes is scheduled to be arraigned on Sept. 5.  Of course in shithole Democrat-ruled Seattle he'll be released wif'out bail, cuz...he special.  Public defender say he beez a guuud boy.

Ruth Dalton was in her parked car when Haynes got into the passenger side.  As Dalton started to drive away Haynes pushed her out the door, backed into several parked cars and then ran over her.

Several bystanders tried to help her, one carrying a bat or stick, but Haynes threatened them with a knife.  Dalton died at the scene.

After fleeing in the victim's car, Haynes stabbed Dalton’s dog to death in a park.

When police arrested Haynes he was carrying a knife that had blood on it--and the keys to the victim’s car.  "Uhh, I jus' found doze keys on duh street."  Judge: "Well then you're released."

Haynes has an extensive and violent criminal history.  In 1993, at age 17 he was driving drunk (blood-alcohol level way above legal), drove onto a sidewalk at 50 mph and killed an innocent pedestrian.  Due to a wokie judge in Seattle (they're all "woke") he served less than 5 years.  Cuz it wudn't hiz fault dat he wuz drunk!  It wuz duh fault!  Yeh, dat it!  

After release he was convicted in 1999 of robbing store and stealing a car.  While in prison for those crimes, he attacked two corrections officers using a 12-inch piece of metal that had been sharpened.  Released yet again, he killed the 80-year-old grandmother.

Is this a great system or what?

Virtually every judge in Seattle is a wokie idiot, repeatedly giving killers a slap on the wrist and putting 'em back on the streets after a year or two. And of course the wokie idiots never pay the price for their idiocy, eh?  It's always some innocent 80-year-old grandmother or 12-year-old girl.

Leading to the obvious question: How long do good people continue to sit passively, obediently, as the wokiez keep releasing thugs who murder, rape, terrorize and rob?  Answer: apparently forever.  Cuz again, the wokiez never pay any price for their stupidity.



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