August 23, 2024

In 2016, Mainstream Media leader said Cackles was...NOT black, but "Indian-American"

For years the Democrat Partei and their allies in the Mainstream Media have been bleating dat Cackles is "black."  An' yew believe dat, right?  Cuz duh Mainstream Media an' all duh Dem rulerz dun sed it, so mus' be true, right?

Well...dey think you don't know how to use the Internet.  Cuz back in 2016 the Mainstream talking-point generator the Associated Press said Cackles was..."Indian-American:"


Is that faaabulous or what??  Just four years later the Democrats realized there were LOTS mo' black votes here than Indian vote, eh?  So was the Associated Press lying?  The headline ran in dozens of major papers, but tellingly the harris camp NEVER debunked, disputed or "clarified" to say dat wuzn't right.  Which left the Democrats free to re-invent Cackles as..."black."

Wow.  Is there anything the Dems can't do if it'll win more votes?


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