August 22, 2024

New Hampshire passes a LAW barring boys from playing against girls; wokie liberal judge overturns it

In response to the harris regime's DECREE that EVERY school system must allow males claiming to be girls to compete in girls' sports, the majority-Republican legislature in New Hampshire passed a law called the “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act,” signed into law by the Republican governor.

The purpose was to protect female athletes from unfair competition.  Of course wokie Dems immediately screamed dat dis barred deez males from competing in school sports!!!"

Of course that claim was utter horseshit: the reasonable, common-sense law did NOT prevent boys--even nutty ones--from playing school sports. They were free to play sports...against other boys.

So can ya guess what happened next?

Sure ya can: Parents of two trannies sued.  And just two days ago a nutty federal judge named Landya [sic] McCafferty has nullified that totally constitutional law and DECREED that the biological male can play on the girls’ teams. 

judge Landya McCafferty

SEE?  Totally logical, citizen!  And also fair!  Cuz ebry gud wokie knows boys can magically become girls jus' by claiming to be!  Totally logical, citizen!

The trannies were represented in court for free by the ACLU and the law firm Goodwin Procter.

The judge's DECREE claimed the trannies would "suffer irreparable harm” without her emergency ruling.  

After the win a lawyer at "GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders" bleated “We're happy with the judge’s order...because we know this law is unfair and violates the rights of transgender girls."

No, you lying son of a bitch, NOT "girls."  You and your lying comrades say they're girls, but it's an obvious lie.  But if you repeat that lie often enough...

Ahh...and y'say "we know this law is unfair," eh?  Again, that's utter horseshit, being based on the obvious lie that boys claiming to be girls ARE girls.

Local media--all totally woke--fawned over the ruling.  National media didn't say a word--cuz dey din' want Americans to know about it.

This horseshit could easily be ended:  Take a case to the Supreme Court, noting that the trannies' claim of "unfair treatment" is only valid if males claiming to be girls are actually, in fact, girls.  Ask the court to rule on precisely that question.  Watch as the liberal "justices" will agree with that lie.

Problem is, who has the money to take this case to the SC?  The governor and legislature of New Hampshire do, but they're too scared of the tranny mafia to take it.  Biological girls on the affected teams would have standing, but no money to take the case.  So once again, the Left wins the battle of "lawfare."

By the way, this ruling isn't just a problem for tiny New Hampshire:  This is the official policy of the Democrat Party and their replacement presidential nominee, Cackles, and her VP, the seemingly gay pedo Walz.  If they win in November, this ruling will become the law of the land.

If I had a daughter in sports, I'd be really pissed.  Fortunately I don't.  Oh, y'say you do?  Hmm...



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