August 22, 2024

Snow in August in California--"earliest in this area in more than 20 years"

 Note the source: The National Weather Service is totally on-board wif' Globull Worming.


"Globull Warmie" fanatic: "Dis can't possibly be true!  Dis fake newz!  Cuz we know duh Erf beez gettin' hotter, gon' kill all life on duh planet!  Ouah faaabulous Democrat prezzie and ouah much younger, "joyful," soon-to-be-prezzy been tellin' us dat fo' four years!  An' frum 2008 to 2016 duh faabulous climate researcher and emperor Obama (pbuh) tol' us duh same thing!"

PhD Warmie: "Absolutely!  Dis early snow don' mean nuffin'.  See, yew rubes don't know duh difference between 'weather' and 'climate.'  If you'd gone to an Ivy League school instead of some stupid state cow college you'd know dat!  So the earliest snow in California in 20 years don' mean a thing!  Duh planet still beez gettin' hotter all duh time, so neener neener neener, deplorables!  See, dat's duh beauty of bein' a Democrat: We have duh firepower to make pipo ignore anything you say!"

Source: National Weather Service  


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