August 20, 2024

A history lesson from...France?

Unless you're a fan of carefully-hidden French history (spoiler: you're not) you've never heard of a region and people in France called the Vendée.

Typical Democrat: "Whut?  Why you talk 'bout dumb history stuff?  Cuz all dat history stuff beez in duh past an' cain't be changed, dummy!  Wow, you reeeally retarded!"

And there you have it, folks:  Fully 40% of voters in the U.S. believes that.  "Why study history?" they bleat.  "Studying the past is a waste of time!"

Who do ya think would want people not to study history, eh?  Who would benefit by demanding that?  

Sure:  Politicians trying to get you to fall for the same shit that their role models tried a century or two ago.  Disastrous then, so dey don' want ya to know about it.

If you don't hate these people now, you will after they've won.  Study Cambodia, and how quickly the Khmer Rouge took power and killed millions.  Study the Russian revolution, or the French revolution.  Same story every time.

So to France: The French revolution was a revolt by ordinary citizens against an oppressive, rapacious king and the vast army of bureaucrats and lackeys in his service, aided by a corrupt church.  Fine, totally understandable.

Unfortunately, like most revolutions the most angry and bloodthirsty of the revolutionaries rose to the top, creating a phase that even French historians call "the Reign of Terror."  That's a real thing, capitalized.

After the Parisian mob executed everyone in Paris who was part of the regime, they spread throughout the country, destroying the homes of the nobility, looting and burning churches (because the church was loyal to the monarchy).

That was just the beginning.  The mob then established what they called "Committees of Public Safety."

Democrat: "Dat gud!  Cuz who wouldn't luuv 'public safety,' eh?"

Sure, sparky.  And because dey cunningly gave those "committees" a warm fuzzy name ("Equalization Board," anyone?  "Equal Employment Opportunity Commission"?), no one said a critical word.

Those "committees" arrested and executed tens of thousands of French citizens, on the charge of being “enemies of the people.”  Many were executed by a device specifically invented for executing lots of people fast.  You may have heard of it.  Ask your kids if they have.

(In the Russian revolution only the names changed: the communists called "enemies of the people" "counter-revolutionaries."  Same result: hundreds of thousands executed.)

So under the Reign of Terror in France, in every town angry little shitheads quickly recognized the revolution as a chance to settle scores, and quickly formed their own Committees of Public Safety to execute anyone they hated.  And with the backing of the mob--now supported by the army--it worked.  Total carnage.

With the army supporting the mob, almost no one could mount any effective resistance, any more than you can resist the Fibbies or cops here, eh?  But one group managed to fight long and heroically against the Reign of Terror.

Sadly they were eventually defeated and executed, along with their families.  The mob won.  Reality often sucks, eh?  Like the lockdowns here that utterly destroyed tens of thousands of small businesses, ruining lives.  But at least in the U.S the ruling party didn't need to execute anyone, eh?

In France the people who resisted were in an area of Brittany called the Vendée--one of the poorest and most backward parts of France--similar to what the sneering elites like Hilliary call "flyover country."  The analogy is perfect.

Those who lived in the region cherished their king and queen, and their Catholic faith--beliefs Hilliary Clinton would later sneeringly describe as “bitterly clinging to their religion."  Cuz religion is "the opiate of the people," eh?  (Ask your kids if they know who said that.)

When the Revolutionary Government murdered the French royal family and took away their parish priests, the citizens in the Vendée--hopelessly outnumbered--nevertheless fought back.  They found unexpected allies in the local nobility: men who had actual military experience leading troops in combat.  Ooohh, that might level the playing field a bit, eh?  Well, at least 200 years ago.

With the help of these leaders they were able to hold off the Reign of Terror (the mob) for years.

Yes, they eventually lost, but thanks to their determined resistance the people of the Vendée finally won the restoration of their Roman Catholic faith and a degree of autonomy.  Many men sacrificed their lives so their heirs would hopefully have more freedom.  And it worked.  Hmmm....

Fast-forward:  The U.S. is very close to being ruled by a left-wing totalitarian regime.

You don't believe that, in part because you literally can't imagine how that would be possible: how could any political party get away with utterly trashing our Constitutional rights, eh?

Clearly you haven't been paying attention.  The Democrats began ignoring the Constitution 16 years ago.  "Yew mus' take duh jab, an' if yew don't, we've ordered yo' employer to fire yew."  "Yeah, state universities are public property, but yew iz not allowed to speak freely on OUR property...unless you're a leftist or communist or tranny or support Palestine, in which case you're welcome to do anything you want, including breaking things."
In the U.S. today the "wokie" Democrat party runs everything.  You just don't notice it as long as you obey.  And over half the population is totally fine with that.  They will eagerly obey any order from the ruling regime.

So when Cackles screeches "If we think your company is making too much money, we'll fine you!  For every one percent difference between the amount paid to men and women for the same work, we will fine companies one percent of their profits!" all duh gud woke Dem voters totally swoon.

The Democrat Party teaches your kids to believe the U.S. was founded on racism, patriarchy and genocidal imperialism.  Because if people believe that horseshit, they'll believe anything else the Party bleats.

The main difference between the U.S. today and the French revolution is that today's Democrats have learned they can get whatever they want without taking up arms: they simply invoke "duh law."  So see?  Whatevah dey doo is all perfeckly legal, eh?  An' if yew complain or resist, dey bleat dat yew are an "insurrectionist"!

This is constantly reinforced by a surprising ally of the Partei: mainline churches, with permanent rainbow and tranny flags displayed everywhere, along with unobjectionable slogans like “Fight Racism,” cuz merging known good ends like “Support social justice” with..."support gender-affirming health care for everyone" gets people to believe the two are equally valid.

There are also signs for special events like “Solidarity with Palestine.”  You need to know that whenever you see the word "solidarity," the organization pushing it is run by communists.

The irony is that these things are being pushed by churches whose ministers lectured us about how awful the scary “radical religious right” was--because it mixed politics and religion!  Wow!  Double standards again.

My county government now has its own D.E.I. office.  What a total waste of money.

Another surprising center of leftist propaganda is public libraries.  Everyone has heard about "drag queen story hours" explicitly for children.  But consider a list of other “Signature Events” hosted by the public library in, say, Kansas City, Missouri:

  *The author of “Boys and Oil–Growing up gay in a fractured land” wails about "the toll taken by the extraction of coal and oil on both the land and its people," and being gay.

  *A panel of local librarians defending the idea of having books explicitly for children giving explicit instructions on how to have homosexual sex--with drawings.  Cuz dat beez a huge Democrat goal.

  *Paying Democrat shill reporter Maggie Haberman to lecture on “Confidence Man: Donald Trump and the Breaking of America.”  Think the library would pay a conservative to lecture on "Cackles and Tampon Timmy and their communist programs"?

  *A lecture on a Nigerian's "acclaimed" novel about an "intersex Nigerian teenager whose sex at birth is unclear.”  Ahh, "assigned sex at birth," eh?

  *Lecture: "The Fearless Woman and Queer People Who Shaped the U.S. Constitution.”

  *Local artist "subverts traditional religious imagery with humanist, non-religious symbols.”  Ah yes, "subverting traditional religious symbols" is a big goal of Democrats.

And here's the hoot: Not one of you believes a word of any of this.  Oh some of you will nod and claim you do, but you really don't.  It's just too improbable, eh?  You never saw this on MSNBC or CNN or the alphabets, so it must not have really happened, eh?

Surprisingly, unlike the Committees of Public Safety in France, your Democrat rulers--Cackles, Walz, Pelosi, Schumer et al--actually don't want to kill those of us who don't like their ghastly rule.  Instead they want us to continue to submit, to pay our taxes and obey their decrees.

"It's for your own good," they bleat.  "We know what's best for you, cuz we're way smahtah den yew."

You've constantly "compromised" with them, abandoning a bit of your values each time, thinking "this time they'll finally be satisfied."  But they won't be--ever--because their goal is total control.

The "bitter clingers" of the Vendée finally said "enough."  But today we're way mo' sophisticated, right?  Why fight and go to prison or be killed when you can coexist, eh?  Life under the harris/walz regime will be absolutely faaaabulous, citizen!  

Cackles say she gon' "solve duh border crisis," eh?  Yew mean duh one she deliberately created when Porridgebrain appointed her "border czar"?

Cackles: "I wuz nevah duh border czar!  Whutevah gave you dat idea?  If duh press sed I wuz, dat wuzn't my fault!  I had mo' important stuff to do!"
Cackles say she gon' deport any "po' asylum seekers" who've killed pipo either here or in dere home countries.  Of course they won't.  And we have no way to identify killers back in the home country.  So since we can't, just forget it and move on, citizen.

Cackles say she gon' slap a fine on any company she sez beez "price gauging!"  (She meant "price gouging but had never heard the term pronounced, so...)  Ah, duh gud Dem sheep cheer wildly!  So how yew gon' decide what's "gauging," eh?  

Cackles: "We'll just know.  It's just a matter of having the will.  And I have the will."

That's an actual Cackles quote, caught on video.

Conservative: "So you're gonna impose price controls?"

Cackles and the Mainstream Media: "NOOooo!  Whutevah gave yew dat idea?  Cuz a few so-called experts say doze don' work, so I wud nevah doo dat!  We won't control prices, cuz dat silly.  Instead we'll just fine anyone who raises prices wif'out our permission!  See?  Huge difference!"

Hat tip to Am Greatness


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