August 27, 2024

Dems--who claim to LOVE democracy!--sue to keep Green Party off the ballot in Wisconsin

Say, citizen, didja know duh Democrat party beez all about "defending ouah precious democracy"?

At least that's what them sons of whores constantly bleat, eh?  So let's look at an example of what the Dems consider "defending ouah precious democracy."

You may have heard about a tiny U.S. political party called the Green Party.  Their leader and presidential candidate is Jill Stein.
Stein last appeared on Wisconsin ballots in 2016, and got about 31,000 votes.  And in that election Donald Trump defeated the faaabulous Hillary in Wisconsin by about 24,000 votes--meaning if Stein hadn't been on the ballot Hilliary would have won the state.

Remember that 31,000 number cuz it'll pop up again.

In 2020 the Green Party was NOT allowed on the ballot, and Porridgebrain was "officially" deemed to have won--by less than 21,000 votes.

A reasonable first-hack explanation is that almost all the 31,000 greenies who voted for Stein and the Green Party in 2016 voted for Porridgebrain four years later--since Green voters would obviously prefer the leftist Democrat biden to the pro-oil, pro-coal, pro-military, pro-U.S. Trump, eh?

SOooo...this year the Green Party again filed to have their nominee--again Stein--appear on the Wisconsin ballot in the presidential election.

And you cannot possibly guess what happened:  Duh Democrat party--duh ones who constantly bleat that dey iz "defending ouah precious democracy!!!"--sued to bar Stein from being on the ballot!

Now why do ya suppose dey did dat, eh?  Cuz doesn't that totally negate their bullshit bleating about "democracy"?  Sure.  But as should be obvious even to a 12-year-old, winning is way more important to Democrats than following what they bleat are their "sacred principles."

See, duh Dems can read numbers just like you can.  And they knew if Stein (the Green Party) was on the ballot she'd pull roughly 30,000 votes from whoever the Dems nominated.  And since in 2020 biden had only officially been deemed to have "won" Wisconsin by fewer than 21,000 votes, if the Dems allowed Stein on the ballot there was a good chance of losing.

OOoohhh!  Can't have that, eh?

So they sued, hoping none of their stupid voters would notice that suing proved dat duh Dems weren't actually for democracy after all! a huge surprise, the state's supreme court "declined to hear a challenge" to a lower court ruling that Stein *could* appear on the ballot.

That's definitely good news for Republicans.  But don't celebrate yet, cuz the Democrats are total masters of finding higher courts to overturn lower-court rulings dey don' like.

Source: Wisconsin public radio


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