August 28, 2024

Dem shill site whines that at a rally, Vance "tries to tie harris to biden"! How dare he??

How utterly corrupt (lying, dishonest sons of whores) are the leftist Mainstream Media?  Consider this from the Dem shills at Politico posted on free-speech site X: 


Ah, y'say Vance "tried" to tie harris to biden, eh?  How totally AWFUL of him, eh?

Readers on X quickly added "context" that "Harris is biden's vice-president"--a fact Politico apparently hopes its readers didn't know!  How DARE he try to tie harris to biden, eh?

You really need to click on this link and read ALL the scathing comments noting that Cackles is absolutely "TIED" to Porridgebrain.--the hundreds of pics from the Dems showing the two walking together with the caption "WE'RE working for YOU!"  But now she wants to be "unburdened by what has been," eh?


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