August 17, 2024

Cackles (via Dem strategists) proposes *price controls on groceries;* Democrat crowd cheers wildly

A "gouge" (pronounced "gowdge") is a deep scar, and "gouging" is the verb that means making one.   "Price gouging" is a term made up by the Media to portray rapacious capitalists increasing the price of a product when there's some sort of shortage--like people stocking up on ice before an expected power outage.

By contrast, to "gauge" something (pronounced "gage") means to measure the capacity or dimensions of something, like a rain gauge.  So although "gouging" and "gauging" are only different by one letter, they're pronounced differently and have entirely different meanings. 

Some of you may have heard that the average price of groceries is about 22% higher than when Porridgebrain and his non-black side-piece were installed.  But nevah fear, comrades!  Last Friday the Democrat party's selected (not by citizens) presidential nominee--the astonishingly stupid Cackles--announced dat becuz she an' her partei [sic] are all about supporting regular Americans like us, she wuz gonna introduce A Plan: "I will work to impose the first federal ban on price gauging on food."

Not "price gouging," but price "gauging."

Now don't worry, citizen: the Lying Media quickly corrected her mistake.  And since this was her very first policy speech after the democrats deposed biden and selected her as their presidential candidate, AND since it involved promising to introduce the totally disastrous policy of price controls, you'd think there would be hundreds of copies of this dumb-ass policy speech on the Internet, eh?

Try finding one. 

I searched every variation of "harris video proposing price controls" and google said it found a thousand "results"--but only two vids of her giving the speech, in which she clearly called "gouging" "gauging."  One vid was from a local TV station in the town where she gave the speech (meaning they couldn't ignore it), and the other was Fox.

Now Cackles, like Obozo and biden, is utterly lost without a teleprompter.  And anyone can mis-read a word.  But the federal government imposing price controls on groceries is such a goofy, bat-shit crazy policy that you'd think the term "price gouging" would have been batted back and forth a hundred times in the partei's [sic] briefings and "strategy sessions" wif' duh Chosen One, eh?  

But evidently harris wasn't paying attention--she's said to have no patience with briefings, being certain no one can tell her anything she doesn't already know.  So even if the word on the teleprompter looked like "gauging," if she'd been paying attention in the briefings she had to have known that it wasn't.

Conclusion: she wasn't paying attention, and as expected, just reads what's on the teleprompter.

SO...because this slip so clearly shows what we all know is true--that Cackles is indeed as dumb as she sounds--I suspect the local ABC station will yank that vid in another few days.  Fox won't be far behind.

If you think this is fake, click on both links below and see for yourself.

Source 1: Fox (go to 15-second mark)

Source 2: local ABC station in North Carolina   abc tv station


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