August 16, 2024

Prediction: Dems made a deal: Leave Joe as prezzy so he can pardon Hunty next January

I'll admit I enjoy trying to predict future events.  Doing so accurately is complex, which makes it challenging.

So here's another prediction for ya:  You may have noticed that three weeks ago the Democrats--led by the horribly corrupt Nancy Pelosi but backed by all the other usual suspects--forced biden to give up the party's presidential nomination.  But oddly--VERY oddly--they didn't force him to resign the presidency.

This has struck lots of people as really...odd, since if Porridgebrain is suddenly SO unqualified to remain the party's legal nominee--having won all the party's primaries--how does anyone think he's still qualified to remain president, eh?

Well citizen, that's a mystery, just as the mystery of how the Democrat leaders managed to decree that Cackles--who never filed for prezzy, never entered a primary, never got a single vote--was somehow now the official nominee.

Of course we all know WHY the Dems did that: because if the party tried to give the nomination to the person who ran second in the primaries, blacks threatened to burn down the party.  Picking Cackles would keep blacks and women on the plantation, voting Dem. 

SO...know why the Dems agreed to let Porridgebrain stay in the oval office thru inauguration day?   Because he's demanded the power to pardon his Perfumed Princeling, Hunty.  Of course the Dems could have promised him that if he resigned the office, Cackles would pardon Hunty, but Joe would be right to be leery of that promise.  Also, for Cackles to pardon Hunty would be such an obvious corruptocrat move that the Democrats wouldn't wanna be saddled with that.  But by letting biden--"duh preznit"--do it, the Dems can put all the blame on Porridgebrain and escape all criticism.

So the Dem rulers have promised Joe he'll be able to pardon his princeling son in January, as long as Joe doesn't fight the party's totally undemocratic move of replacing him with Cackles as nominee.  And the party will pretend total innocence:  "Dere wuz nuffin' we cud doo to stop dis, cuz Joe wuz preznit until noon on Jan 21st (or whenever), an' he kin doo whutevah he want!  

It's brilliant.  And surely no one will impeach duh wunnerful, selfless public servant Joe, right?"



offered a huge incentive to NOT pitch a fit at the convention,


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