August 14, 2024

A Trump proposal relentlessly attacked by Democrats and Media suddenly become great!

If you have a job, you know a little about something called "income tax," eh?  And as even the moronic Cackles would say "That is a tax on [wait for it]...income."

What would we do wif'out brilliant politicians like Cackles, eh?

So...if some kind soul just gave you twenty bucks, do the faaabulous tax laws require you to report that to duh gruberment as "income"?

Take all the time you like, Democrats.

For most of us the answer is no.  But waiters, waitresses, bartenders and "hair stylists" make a big percentage of their income from tips.  So in 1982 the gruberment--ever eager for more money--decided to tax those tips as if they were income, even though there is obviously no employer/employee relationship whatsoever between wait-staff and customers.

Now, if you've been paying attention a few of you may have heard that two months ago Trump proposed changing the tax code so people no long had to pay taxes on tips.  Wait-staffers cheered wildly.  Ah, but the Democrats--who constantly bleat that they're "the friend of the working stiff"--  absolutely sneered.

Here's how the shitty, lying Democrat site "Center for American Progress" sneered on July 17th of this year--a week after Ted Cruz and other republicans introduced bills to do as Trump proposed:

Cruz’s "No tax on tips act" does little for low- and moderate earners--but opens the door to tax abuse by wealthy


These bills may sound like pro-worker tax reform, but it’s just more of the 2017 tax law’s empty promises for workers and giveaways for the wealthy.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) recently introduced bills dubbed the “No Tax on Tips Act,” which would exempt tips workers receive from income taxes.

The article--a clear hit-piece on Trump's proposal--then goes into a long discussion of how this is AWFUL because it could be abused by high earners "such as hedge-fund managers" who could "shift their compensation to a tax-free tipping model."

The assholes don't explain how hedge-fund managers could claim to be working for tips, but of course they didn't need to cuz that was never the point, eh?  The point was to totally discredit Trump's idea.
Here's how the destroyers summarized Trump's proposal:

For instance, a married couple making $1 million in wages could get a tax cut of $180,000 by shifting half of those wages to tax-free tips.

Again they didn't bother trying to explain how that would be done, but of course no reporter even bothered to asked--because the whole point of the piece was simply to discredit an idea Trump proposed that had lots of people cheering wildly.

Congressional Democrats--getting the same talking points to discredit the idea--criticized the proposal when Trump first floated it in June.  A sample:

Dem senator Ron Wyden called Trump’s idea to eliminate taxes on tips a “bogus proposal.”

Democrat congresscreep Lloyd Doggett called the proposal an “election-year ploy.”

Democrat senator Debbie Stabenow said in June that she didn’t think Trump’s proposal was serious and expressed doubt it would do enough to help low-wage working people.  Ah, slimy bitch, so you admit it would put some money in the pockets of tipped workers but you sneer it's not enough, eh?

SO...Democrats bleat that ending taxes on tips is a simply TERRIBLE idea, eh?  

So on August 10th--two full months after Trump announced the idea--Cackles did a campaign rally in Las Vegas, where half the people have tipped jobs--and announced...exactly the same plan as Trump proposed two months earlier.

Trump correctly noted that Harris had stolen his proposal, presumably to eliminate that as a reason service workers would have had to vote GOP.  In response, a Harris campaign official told NPR that Cackles's proposal "is different from Trump's."  Really?

As president she would work with Congress to craft a proposal that...would prevent hedge fund managers and lawyers from structuring their compensation in ways to try to take advantage of the policy," the official, who isn't authorized by the campaign to speak publicly, said.

First, notice that for the thousandth time Harris isn't the one saying this.  Instead she has a "campaign official" making claims for her, which she can easily deny saying later, just as "I support fracking and a ban on drilling on federal land" was allegedly "repudiated" NOT by Cackles but by an anonymous campaign spokeswhore.

So in this case an idea Democrats had previously criticized as “bogus” and just a “ploy for votes" suddenly becomes a faaabulous idea, criticized only by tax dweebs.

Critics say Harris’s support for the idea is just an attempt to neutralize whatever advantage Trump may have gained by first floating the idea in June.  It's no accident that she announced it in Las Vegas, where the winner will be determined in large part by votes of service workers.

Amusingly, long before Cackles stole Trump's proposal, Nevada’s two Democrat senators said they were backing Trump's proposal to eliminate taxes on tipped income.

Before Cackles stole the idea it had also already been supported by Nevada’s powerful Culinary Union, the largest organization of working women in Nevada.  "But it's an AWFUL idea, comrade!  How could you possibly support a proposal by duh eeeeebil Orange Hitler?"

So before Cackles stole it, the Media and Democrat "leaders" bleated that it was a terrible idea.  But now, by magic, two days after Cackles announced the same proposal, Porridgebrain's press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Biden would “absolutely” sign such a bill.  So suddenly...

Magic, citizen!  A proposal had been relentlessly attacked by Democrats and their Media allies as an absolutely terrible idea when Trump proposed it in June is instantly labeled great when copied word for word by the Democrat candidate--thanks to the power of the Democrat-fellating Mainstream Media!

The National Restaurant Association says its research found that the median hourly income of tipped service workers is $27 an hour, and that top earners make more than $41 an hour.


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