August 14, 2024

Waltz's state: as BLM burned Minneapolis, cops shot residents with paintballs for *standing on their porch*

In May 2020, Minneapolis cops shot paintball rounds at residents for standing on their own damn porch.  Yes, captured on video.

If you get all your "newz" from duh Mainstream Media you never heard a word about this.  Of course BLM rioters were burning down Minneapolis at the time, so you give the Media a pass, eh?  What's a few hundred paintball rounds fired by cops at peaceful residents on dere porches compared to burning the city, right?

Sure.  But you wouldn't have heard about this at any other time either, cuz it cuts against the Dem governor.

Y'know where you had to go to learn about this?  The U.K. Daily Mail.

Guess who was the fucking cocksucking communist governor at the time?

Dat right, comrade: Tim Walz

Video shows several Minneapolis residents standing on their porches as cops are passing by.  The mayor had ordered a "curfew" due to the burning and looting, and you'd think the cops would be arresting arsonists and looters.

Hahahahahahahaha!  Nope.  Cops were shooting paintballs at peaceful, non-looting, non-rioting residents *standing on their own damn porch.*

As the officers walked by the house, they yelled at the residents “Go inside!  Get in your house now!”

In the avalanche of more dire news, the cops got away with this.  No one was fired or demoted, or even charged--cuz this was all approved by assholes higher up the food chain.

And now the top asshole in the state has been *appointed* VP candidate by one of the most ghastly communists ever to surface in the U.S.Source.


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