October 25, 2022

A little light reading: "Endonuclease fingerprint indicates a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2"


The research paper in the title has been submitted for publication.  It claims to have found something very significant about Covid-19.  I don't wanna spoil the surprise, so see if you get it from the abstract:

   To prevent future pandemics it is important that we understand whether SARS-CoV-2 spilled over directly from animals to people, or indirectly in a laboratory accident.
   The genome of SARS-COV-2 contains a peculiar pattern of unique restriction endonuclease recognition sites allowing efficient dis- and re-assembly of the viral genome that is characteristic of synthetic viruses.
   In this paper we show the probability of observing this unusual pattern in coronaviruses that we know have not been bio-engineered.
   We find that SARS-CoV-2 is more likely a product of synthetic genome assembly than natural evolution.  [It] has a synthetic fingerprint unlikely to have evolved from its close relatives. We found a high probability that SARS-CoV-2 originated as an infectious clone assembled in vitro."

"Wait...what?  Did they say what it looks like they said?"

Yes, they did.  They just said they have solid evidence that the C19 virus was modified in a lab.

Now let's take a second look at that abstract:

"To prevent future pandemics it is important that we understand whether SARS-CoV-2 spilled over directly from animals to people, or indirectly in a laboratory accident.

Noted the misdirection "To prevent future pandemics..."  What the authors are actually doing is showing that the Chyna virus was modified in a lab to make it lethal to humans.  But if they said that, they couldn't possibly get their paper published.  Fauci and Walensky and the biden regime would never allow it.
  Then note softening words "spilled over."  That term is used to make the conclusion less obvious: that the CCP's Wuhan lab--with U.S. taxpayer funds, provided by Fauci thru a cutout--modified C19 from the closest "natural" (unmodified) bat virus to make it kill humans.  But the researchers know the biden regime will never allow publication of a paper directly accusing the CCP of having done this.  Hence the softening mis-direction.

The genome of SARS-COV-2 contains a peculiar pattern of unique restriction endonuclease recognition sites allowing efficient dis- and re-assembly of the viral genome that is characteristic of synthetic viruses.
   In this paper we show the probability of observing this unusual pattern in coronaviruses that we know have not been bio-engineered. 

"Peculiar pattern" translates as "something not found in any natural virus."

We find that SARS-CoV-2 is more likely a product of synthetic genome assembly than natural evolution.  [It] has a synthetic fingerprint unlikely to have evolved from its close relatives. We found a high probability that SARS-CoV-2 originated as an infectious clone assembled in vitro.

"Assembled in vitro" means modified in a lab.  So yes, they claim to have found new evidence--other than the four obviously inserted genes we've known about since two DAYS after the first case of the virus was confirmed in the U.S. in Jan of 2020 (see below)--that the virus was deliberately modified to make it more lethal to humans.  In other words, modified "in a lab."

That's why I doubt this paper will be published, but will instead be "withdrawn by the authors" for reasons that will never be persuasively explained.  Reasons like "Your gene sequencing machine hadn't been calibrated recently."  Or "The U.S. government has DECREED that the virus wasn't modified in a lab, so your results must be wrong."

Or my favorite: "Dr. Fauci is the head of a HUGE division of the National Institutes of Health, so he knows everything about viruses.  And he says you're wrong."

Think Fauci, NIH, CDC and the FDA won't pressure the journal this paper was submitted to not to publish it?   Actually that already happened with an earlier paper (Jan 2020) that reported that by December 2019 Indian researchers had decoded the "gene sequence" of the so-called spike protein--the surface of the virus that allows the virus to bind to target cells.

That genetic sequence showed--beyond reasonable doubt--that the Chyna virus differed from the closest natural bat virus by having four genes not present in the natural virus.  The comparison clearly show that the long, continuous RNA strand of the natural virus had been cut in four places and four new genes inserted.

Moreover, each of the four new genes--groups of six or eight "bases" arranged in the exact order to produce a functional gene--increased the ability of the modified virus to bind to cells in the human airway.

Yes, RNA viruses mutate, but what are the odds of that all happening due to "natural mutations," eh?

The Indian paper was submitted, and in pre-print (i.e. not yet "peer reviewed"), but was mysteriously withdrawn for reasons never made clear.

(Recall this paper was by Indian researchers.  For the geographically challenged: India shares a long border with China, which has a vastly larger military.  So India understandably doesn't wanna anger China.)  

By happenstance the Indian paper hit the internet two days after the first case of C19 was confirmed in the U.S., at the end of January of 2020.  I read it the day it appeared on a pre-print website, and analyzed it here.  

Unlike the abstract quoted above, the piece at the link above is written in regular English, much easier to understand.  It shows how the Indian genetic comparison proved--beyond reasonable doubt--that the virus was modified in a lab.  And the paper cited at the top of this post used totally different evidence to prove the same thing, again beyond reasonable doubt.

When two different methods reach the same conclusion, that suggests (though doesn't prove) that the conclusion is correct.  

If the research behind the 2020 Indian paper was honest, anyone who understood gene sequencing and read that paper would instantly recognize that the virus was modified in a lab--and would have known that by the end of January of 2020.

But if you were paying attention during 2020 (?) you may recall that every so-called "expert" in the U.S. government--Fauci et al--instantly screamed that the "modified in a lab" theory was absolutely impossible, and that anyone who claimed it was true was a "xenophobe."  And the Lying Mainstream Media instantly, uncritically echoed their god, Fauci.

But Fauci lied.  All the government "experts" lied.  They've lied about everything, from day one.  And you all (understandably) believed them, because you never imagined that your own gruberment would lie to you about something so serious.

For the same reason, three-fourths of Americans took the "vaccine."  The CDC and FDA and Fauci and the Mainstream Media told you you'd die if you didn't, and assured you that the vax was "Safe...and effective!"  The biden regime ORDERED companies to fire any worker who refused to take the jab.  Hundreds of thousands submitted in order to keep their families fed.

How many times did you read that the jab was "Safe...and effective"?   It was a lie.  It was so obviously a lie that a year ago (September 1, 2021) the CDC was forced to change the definition of a "vaccine" because if they hadn't, the jab wouldn't qualify under the "Emergency Use Authorization," because they knew the jab failed the "old" definition!

You never heard a word about that either.  Yet "watchdog" organizations have the CDC's damn emails admitting that's why they changed the official, written definition of a "vaccine"!

Will Americans ever wake up?  I doubt it, because the Media is too effective in telling you what they claim is true, and the Democrats are too good at telling the Mainstream Media what talking points to broadcast to keep them in power.

Now a final word, about RINOs:  Tragically, the assholes who run the so-called Republican party--Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy, among others--are totally corrupt.  So even if the Repubs win a majority in both House and Senate in the midterms, none of the lying sons of bitches who conned you into taking the jab will be prosecuted.  The RINOs won't allow any meaningful investigation, because they're part of the con.

And almost no one will complain.  Because almost no one knows the truth.

Fifty years from now historians will write books revealing everything I've written above.  People will marvel at how the Dems and the Mainstream Media were able to con Americans into believing all the provable lies.  But Americans never saw the evidence laid out above.


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