October 16, 2022


Rock-solid conservative Peachy Keenan lists some of the telltale signs, and I've expanded her list.  

If you believe any of the following, turn yourself in to the FBI right away or else a dozen heavily armed agents will come and break down your door at 5am:

  • If you think there are only two sexes (or "genders");
  • If you don't believe men can become women (or vice-versa) simply by saying "I declare that I am...";
  • If you believe school counselors and teachers shouldn't be allowed to encourage kids to "change gender";
  • If you believe that parents have the right to know what public schools are teaching their kids;
  • If you think public school libraries shouldn't have books that show young readers how to have same-sex sex, and saying how faaaabulous it is;
  • If you think schools shouldn't teach young white kids that the U.S. is--and has always been--raaaacist (i.e. teaching Critical Race Theory);
  • If you think doctors who perform sex-change operations on minors without parental consent should be either jailed or executed;
  • If you think parents who approve their minor child getting such an operation are insane (since young kids routinely say they're really a dinosaur or similar but by 18 decide maybe they're not);
  • If you think all-mail voting is an invitation to massive fraud;
  • If you think DA's should enforce laws by prosecuting people who commit serious crimes;
  • If you think it's dumb to let murderers walk out of jail without posting even a dollar for bail;
  • If you think “fat acceptance” (encouraging fat people to stay fat) is unhealthy;
  • If you believe the Constitution gives every citizen the right to own a gun;
  • If you believe there was massive fraud in the 2020 election;
  • If you believe only U.S. citizens should be able to vote in presidential elections;
  • If you believe everyone should be required to show photo-ID proof of identity to vote;
  • If you think not requiring witness signatures and strict signature-matching and address verification on mail-in ballots is a huge invitation to massive election fraud;
  • If you think allowing millions of illegal aliens to waltz across our southern border every year is beyond dumb;
  • If you believe the government shouldn't be able to FORCE you to take a shot that doesn't prevent you from getting the virus they said it would prevent you from getting;
  • If you think the biden regime ORDERING all members of the armed forces to take the jab or be forced out was done intentionally to weaken the military;
  • If you think the Chyna virus was deliberately modified by Chinese researchersat the Wuhan Institute of Virology to make a harmless bat virus lethal to humans;
  • If you think you should be able to post things on social-media even if it contradicts the "approved" government "party line";
  • If you think it's stupid and dangerous for the government to spend trillions of dollars more than it takes in EVERY YEAR;
  • If you think it's wrong and dangerous for the president and his family to take multi-million-dollar bribes from China;
  • If you think Global Warming...wait, "climate change" is the biggest threat to the planet and is caused by humans driving cars;
  • If you think the best arrangement for raising functional kids is the time-honored "nuclear family;"
  • If you think the best way to ensure a continued free people is for men and women to get married, stay married and raise their kids to be honest, hard-working and sane;
  • If you think your family is more important than your career;
  • If you have common sense;



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