The brutal murder of a 12-year-old French girl by an illegal has liberals wailing--but not over the murder itself
Ten days ago in Paris the body of a 12-year-old French girl was found stuffed in a plastic box. She'd been tortured, stabbed many times before finally being killed.
The killer seems to be a female from Algeria, in France illegally. She seems to be mentally ill, possibly schizoid.
In the U.S., the liberal shitheads who publish The Atlantic magazine did exactly what liberals do: In publishing a story about the murder, instead of being outraged at the murder of an innocent 12-year-old girl, their piece was titled "The politically-charged murder shaking Paris."
The sub-head left no doubt where the Atlantic's sympathies lay. It read "How France’s far right is using the killing of a 12-year-old in its fight for ethnonationalism."
Being an unsophisticated pilot and engineer, I'd never heard the word "ethnonationalism" before. Have you? Turns out it means "the theory that shared ancestry is the principal element of a cohesive national identity, and that a government should protect and promote the culture, language, and religion of the nation's own people over other cultures that live in a multicultural society."
So...Atlantic author Thomas Chatterton Williams bleated "This shocking and brutal crime has dominated the news in France and reverberated throughout right-wing traditional and social media well beyond Europe."
Wait...what? "Right-wing traditional and social media"? (Is there actually a "right-wing social media? Certainly not in the U.S. I doubt there's any in Europe either.) Sounds like the author is implying that only "right-wing" people were outraged by the torture-murder of a 12-year-old girl.
And at first you doubt that could possibly be true: Surely all good people would be outraged by this brutal murder of a 12-year-old girl. But then you read the rest of the hit-piece: Turns out author Thomas Chatterton Williams and the liberal editors at the Atlantic are actually really concerned--just not so much about the murder of the 12-yuear-old girl.
Instead they're concerned that the pro-French groups will use the brutal murder to crack down on duh wonderful illegal immigrants who infest France--and every other prosperous western nation.
[Just for the record: LEGAL immigration is great. ILLEGAL immigrations is a recipe for utter disaster--as Americans are starting to see.]
Williams bleats that the right-wing organized a “Demonstration for Lola” in Paris, and that the demonstrators included “the monarchists of Action Française, the hooded and masked youths of the violent Zouaves, and the fundamentalist Christian group Civitas.”
Ah. "Hooded an masked youths" of a violent group, eh? Any bets as to whether Williams had any problem with the masked rioters of Antifa? How about BLM riots? Nah, didn't think so. Oh, and a "fundamentalist Christian group," eh? Oooh, grab your guns, liberals! Or clutch your pearls. Can't have any of those "Christian fundamentalists" being allowed to attend demonstrations in support of a murdered girl, eh?
And horror of horrors! The demonstrators actually sang "a rendition of the French national anthem"! (I suspect what they actually WAS the French national anthem, and that Williams just used "a rendition of" to sneer at the protesters.) Worse yet, demonstrators shouted "This is our home!"
Honestly, the gall of right-wingers, eh?
It may be worth noting here that Williams--an American who's fiercely, angrily black--is married to a white French woman and is living in Paris. So you can see why anyone else shouting "This is our home" would offend him, right?
Here's the hoot--proof of the hip, highly-praised liberal author's total lack of self-awareness: Two years ago Williams drafted an open letter in a liberal mag titled "A Letter on Justice and Open Debate." It criticized what Thomas Chatterton Williams claimed was a culture of "intolerance of opposing views."
An "intolerance of opposing views," ya say? mean like when socialists and leftists riot at universities to prevent conservative speakers from speaking?
Or do ya mean when CEO's are forced to resign because a decade earlier they gave donations to a petition supporting the idea that marriage was between a man and a woman? Those sorts of "intolerance of opposing views"?
Nah, didn't think so. This is the kind of social-justice warrior who bleats "Your *speech* is violence! But our *violence* is merely 'free speech,' you fascist!"
To get an insight into this darling of the Left (and looking at the awards and praise from Leftist ranks, he most certainly is), read this slobbering, fawning piece in the NY Times.
Certainly Thomas Chatterton Williams is smart, and a gifted writer--a combination that makes white liberals absolutely swoon. But he and his allies support the destruction of the United States--something I have a hard time accepting.
Oh, you think "support the destruction of the U.S." is too harsh? In defending the brutal murder of 12-year-old Lola he's defending unlimited illegal immigration. He just doesn't say it.
And the shithead liberal Democrats who run the Atlantic have exactly the same ideology as Thomas Chatterton Williams.
The last hoot is: You think you can co-exist with 'em. You can't. The only way they'll allow you to coexistence is on their terms--meaning you will either be forced to submit to their rule, or fight.
And right now they're winning. On every front.
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