October 17, 2022

Head of MSNBC explains why his "newz" org ignored Hunter Biden laptop: "He hadn't been charged." Um...wait...

The Lying Mainstream Media loves Democrats and hates conservatives.  If you doubt that, take a look at a recent example of their blatant double-standards:  They'll jump on Trump for something, then give Hunter Biden--bagboy for corruptocrat Joe--a total pass.

Watch this video: a Mainstream Shill named Smerconish asks the head of MSNBC--Phil Griffin--why his "newz" org (hahahahaha) virtually ignored the blockbuster story of crack-addict Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop--which held tens of thousands of incriminating emails revealing biden family corruption, as well as hundreds of video clips showing Hunter's well-known addiction to crack and prostitutes.

"Well," says the corrupt Griffin, "I don't think it was a big story before the election...because he was never charged with anything."

Ah, is that your "journalistic standard," asshole?  Cuz as I recall, your crap "newz" shill organization absolutely blasted Trump about "collusion" and the "Russian dossier" even though Trump had never been charged with anything at that point.

You'd be hard-pressed to find a clearer example of why the Mainstream Media is utterly corrupt trash, only watched by sheep.



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