One young man's experience with the vax--and an Awakening (!) And a Dem law ending freedom of speech for docs
Naive people believe what their rulers--totally supported by the Mainstream Media and the so-called "entertainment industry"-- tell 'em.
Eventually reality bites many of those naive people, hard.
A few of those bitten suddenly realize the truth. And I love it when that happens. It's really an occasion for joy.
Example: Tyson Illingworth, a "cool, hip" young-ish (35) Aussie musician who claims to have millions of fans around the world.
Because his government pushed every "good" citizen to take the jab, he took it.--and immediately began experiencing excruciating pain and then paralysis.
It's significant that he totally believed his government's claim that the jab was "safe, and effective." Didn't have any scientific training but wasn't an anti-vaxxer. "I believed I was doing the right thing by taking the vaccine. I had complete faith and trust in my government and its medical system-–until I suffered a severe adverse reaction that left me helpless and paralyzed."
And at that point--much to his surprise--no doctor or government entity would help him.
I know you all can't believe that, eh?
Within days of taking the jab he began feeling severe, unbearable shooting pain and paralysis in both hands and feet.
He was rushed to the hospital, in disbelief because he couldn’t believe the vaccine could cause that, every government had told everyone it was "safe and effective."
In the hospital his neurologist repeatedly told him “There's no way the vaccine caused this.”
Pause for a second and let me tell you what you should already have guessed: The neurologist didn't know this, but was just guessing. What did he base that guess on? Had he done any research, any stats? Almost certainly not, since research would have shown the opposite. Instead the guy was just spouting the Party Line.
Earlier I said he was paralyzed. Literally couldn't walk. He says the doctors didn't know if he would ever walk ‘properly’ again, because they had no idea what was causing the paralysis.
So the docs didn't know, but before the guy was released from the hospital the neurologist strongly advised him to get the second round of the jab, saying that if he didn't, he might still get duh Chyna virus.
Still believing the bullshit from the government, he followed the neurologist’s advice and took the second jab just a month after my first one.
Now here's a hoot: He says he always thought of himself as a critical thinker, and in hindsight can't believe he followed the neurologist's advice. He finally realized--too late--that her only concern was NOT his best interests, but her own: She didn't want to be fired--or worse, have her medical license revoked.
Now, who can predict what happened next, eh?
Ah, that's simply un-possible, comrade, because the socialists have decreed that there is no longer anything called "cause and effect."
Just kidding: you all knew. Shortly after taking the second jab his symptoms got worse: He couldn't move and says his hands felt like they were on fire. Once again he was rushed to the hospital. But at least he was safe from getting duh Chyna virus, so it was all worth it, eh?
Oh wait: In January of this year he came down with duh Chyna virus. Woke up at 4am gasping to breath. Rushed to the ER, then put in a "COVID ward." Says the treatment was essentially zero, but he survived.
Now says he wakes up every day in agony and needs high doses of pain killers to function. But think how much worse it would have been if he hadn't been double-vaxxed, eh?
He now realizes that the Australian medical and health system attacks anyone--even researchers and docs--who questions the vaccines or suggests other treatments. Says a patient’s right to choose a treatment was and is still denied. Shocker, eh?
He was shocked to discover that in Australia doctors are investigated and disciplined if they say a COVID vaccine has caused injury. Says he had 5 doctors tell him his condition was caused by the vaccine, but that all said they couldn't say that on the record.
Says he's resigned to living the rest of his life in pain and doesn't want anyone to suffer the same fate.
Alarmingly, he says the Australian governments (state and federal) are passing laws making it illegal for a doctor to provide honest information to patients on the vaccine if that information "undermines public confidence." I'm sure glad that what the Aussie dictators did can't happen here in the U.S,
aren't you? Cuz here we're guaranteed duh right of "free speech," eh?
Hahahahahahahahaha! How many of you believe that in this country the government can't yank a doctor's medical license for saying something the government doesn't like?
Too late, citizen: Three weeks ago California's Democrat-ruled legislature passed a LAW--AB 2098, immediately signed by Dem governor hairdoo--decreeing that "the dissemination of
misinformation or disinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus" is "unprofessional conduct," thus allowing the state to yank the medical license of any doctor who makes any statement critical of the vax, or recommending any of the known-effective treatments for duh Chyna virus, like ivermectin, HCQ, D3 and zinc.
If you don't believe that, click on the link above and read for yourself.
The Cali legislature and governor just revoked freedom of speech for doctors in California. If any doc dares to say anything the state doesn't like, the almighty State will yank his or her license to practice medicine--effectively ending their career. They claim criticizing the jab is "undermining public confidence."
Wait...doesn't the First Amendment guarantee...?
"Of course, citizen! We're all about "free speech"--but not if what you say "undermines public confidence." And surely you agree that such a caveat is entirely reasonable, right? Surely you support your government in imposing that very reasonable rule."
Because if you don't, you're an "insurrectionist," and probably a "domestic violent extremist." And we know how to deal with people like that, eh citizen?
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